Trekiverse Logo Voyager: Adult Directory

. . . So Close, So Far Away

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 69861 -- Posted: 7/2/1997
Series: VOY -- Codes: Codes:
Rating: [R] for language and sex, hc
Janeway and Chakotay are trapped on New Earth, discovering more than new flora and fauna but an attraction for each other, while on Voyager two of their close companions miss them terribly. Feelings like that don't just go away...

. . . A Whisper To A Scream

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 79766 -- Posted: 9/14/1997
Series: VOY -- Codes: Codes:
Rating: [R]
Split in two by the Vidiians, then forced to return to her former state, B'Elanna had a few days of being purely human. What did she do those few days? Written first-season, immediately following the episode 'Faces.'

Orlith and Lor
. . . Shattered Emotions

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 93211 -- Posted: 2/13/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: Codes:
Rating: [NC-17]