Star Trek The Next Generation The Marrissa Stories: Falling Into Command by Stephen Ratliff ^L Prologue Even with the early victory of then Captain Marrissa Picard, the war of Romulan Desolution did not begin well for the Federation. The Romulan Cloaking device was the ban of the early days of the war. Soon it would be countered, but early on it was deadly. Successful Romulan strikes to the heart of the Federation drove fear into the hearts of it's population. The heroism and bravery of the new generation gave them hope, but until they fell into command, confidence wasn't to return. This is the story of the early days of the war of Romulan Desolution and how the new generation fell into command ... ^L Chapter One "You're on my turf now." The phase echoed in Marrissa's mind. The Commander of the Romulan forces she was facing had said that when Marrissa's fleet had arrived at the Romulan Starbase Five. It certainly looked like Admiral Saavik Jeric's turf. Marrissa's forty vessels were being harassed at every turn. Her two fighter divisions were having better success, but not much. Attacking Romulan Starbases was not something that Marrissa had a lot of experience doing, this was not her turf. "The Wellington reports the Romulans keep making runs on his upper forward shields," Commander Jay Gordon said from his seat next to Marrissa. "They're down to 20 percent." "Tell your father to invert his ship," Marrissa replied. "Invert?" Jay inquired. "Turn it upside down," Rear Admiral Marrissa Picard answered. "It really makes no difference which way is up to us." "Aye, sir," her husband grinned and typed a response to the Wellington. "In fact, conn, lets do that ourselves," Marrissa ordered. "Nothing like the unexpected to give your enemy pause." "Captain, I'm getting no response from the Wellington," Jay announced, worry evident in his voice. "Put the Wellington on screen," Picard ordered. An Ambassador class starship appeared, a Romulan scout pealing away, it's hull shaved across the bottom. The Wellington had a gash across the top of her saucer, right down the middle. The bridge was gone, and several decks below were open to space. On the bridge of the Enterprise, Marrissa had a few words for it, "Time to change the venue. Gather us together again. Kathy, have the fighters return. Alex, do we have a nebula nearby." "Yes, at 170 mark twenty, distance 1.34 parsecs," the Klingon at Ops responded. "FGC-47." "Ah, Clara's friend's house," Marrissa remarked. Meanwhile in the Wellington's main engineering, things were about to improve. Jacquelynn Christine Gordon was the Kid's Crew Captain on the Wellington. Her father, the Captain, though a lot of her. During a battle she was posted in Main Engineering as a back up commander in event of a bridge failure. Normal she would be second in line in Engineering for command, but the Chief Engineer had been injured as a result of a coolant leak. It didn't surprise Lynn, as she was called, when the computer announced. "Command transferred to Main Engineering, Jacquelynn Gordon now in command." What it announced next, however made her stomach tie itself into knots. "Bridge and deck two destroyed, hull breach on decks 3,4, and 5." Fortunately, Lynn was not one to dwell on the personal consequences of that statement once she got command, as both her mother and father were on that bridge. "Send damage control teams to seal off the effected areas. Spick, helm is being transferred to your station. French, you have tactical. Computer change master status display to Main Viewscreen, forward view." Lynn Gordon shot off in rapid fire. Then noticing the shocked faces of the crew, no her crew now, she continued. "You heard the Computer, I'm in command now. Now snap to it." Immediately the crew snapped to the bidding of their new adolescent commander. Some actually preferred to be under her command. Lynn was known to have a much more easy going style of command than her strict father. "Message from the Enterprise, Mrs. Gordon," a Engineer who had taken up the duties of Operations. "What is it? and it's Lynn, I'm only twelve," the young acting-Captain replied. "They are requesting our status," he replied. "I'll respond," Lynn said. "Spick make us look dead. Wellington to Enterprise." "Enterprise," her older brother Jay's voice came worried. "What happened Wellington?" "The scout sheared off our bridge," Lynn replied. "Jacquelynn Gordon now in command. What are your orders?" "Move up behind and below the Enterprise, Lynn," Jay responded. "We'll cover your bridge problem until you can rig some shielding there." "Actually Jay, I've got an idea," Lynn announced. "They're are quite a bit of ships between me and you. If you can chase one over here, I'll play dead until you arrive." There was a pause as Jay discussed Lynn's plan with his wife and commanding officer. Then he returned, "Agreed, we'll be over there in five minutes. Enterprise out." ^L Chapter Two Captain Deanna Riker was enjoying her tour of Utopia Planitia Ship Yards orbiting Mars. She was due to assume command of a starship sometime soon. She didn't know which, but felt comfortable in the knowledge that Star Fleet wouldn't give her anything she couldn't handle. She suspected that she'd get either a Intrepid class or one of the new Farragut class transport ships. One thing was for certain, she wasn't getting one of the ship's of the line. Only experienced Captains got Ambassador, Sovereign, Nebula, or Nova Class Starships. Of course that didn't stop her from coveting one of them, as she overlooked the ship yard. There were a dozen Nebula Class starships, in various states of construction, close by. A couple Sovereign Class starships where off to the right, the Kirk and the Harriman. Off to the left was a half a dozen Ambassador Class starships. Those where not what Deanna was looking at, no her eyes were on the biggest ship in the yard, the Nova Class starship Yorktown. Riker sighed. "Beautiful ship isn't she," a voice said from behind her. Deanna turned to greet the Commander of the yards, "Yes she is, Commander McIvery," she said to the young red-head. "Adrian, please," Commander McIvey said. "I despise ranks." The two stood a while looking out at the ivory skin of the nearly complete starship. The long warp engines were still off line, their lights dark, but otherwise the Yorktown stood proud, her lights bright, her registry dark on the white hull. NCC-80100 USS Yorktown. "Care for a tour of the Yorktown, Captain?" Adrian McIvery asked. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble," Deanna Riker accepted. "No trouble at all," McIvery replied. "I have to do my weekly tour today anyway." "How much longer until she's commissioned," Troi-Riker asked, as they walked to the shuttle bay of the Yard's Main Office. "A week from today," McIvery responded. "At least with the launch of this one, I knew the name a month before hand." "Thank the Fleet Admiral's son Nicholas for that one," Riker said. "He noticed that all the aircraft carrier's names that the old United States used in World War II were available. So he suggested the naming scheme for the class after the name Enterprise was chosen for the last, and you know how that naming commission likes schemes." "I know, we've just ran out of state names for the Ambassador class with the Hawaii set for commissioning in two weeks." The Enterprise and the other ships under Rear Admiral Marrissa Picard's command drifted silently in nebula FGC-47, confident that the life forms inhabiting the cloud would leave them alone, for the most part. In the Enterprise's observation lounge, Marrissa, Commander Jay Gordon, and Lieutenant Commander Clara Sutter were going over the status of the fleet. Lieutenant Commander Clara Sutter-Rozhenko was reporting the engineering status of the fleet, a task which she worked as an intermediary for Marrissa. Commander Jay Gordon was sitting glum to his wife's right, going though the motions of duty. His parent's death had hit him hard. "We lost the Lionheart," Clara began with the worse. "The Gorkon's port nacelle is off-line, but Captain Dax reports that it should be back on line sometime later today. The Johnson is suffering from an intermittent loss of her port shields. The Clinton needs a new weapons fire control unit, temporary repairs expected to be completed tomorrow. And of course, the Wellington is lacking a bridge and deck two." "What about our status, Clara?" Marrissa asked. "Some minor repairs, a dozen of our fighters will require major work, and two dozen some minor work," Clara informed. "In general, if it isn't fixed by the end of the next shift, I'll be most dissatisfied with my crew." "I'll bet," Marrissa smiled. "Jay, personnel situation?" "The Wellington has lost her command crew, my little sister Jacquelynn is in command at present," Jay droned. "We have most of the crew of the Lionheart, but the command crew went down with the ship." "Speaking of the Wellington, what happens to your younger siblings, now that your parents are gone?" Clara asked. Jay looked like he was about to cry. "Sorry if the subject bothers you." "I'm afraid Jacquelynn and Jeffery are going to be joining the ever increasing Captain's Quarters," Marrissa stated. "How I'm going to deal with the Jacqueline/lynn problem, I have no idea." "Easy, same way I do," Jay replied in a monotone. "Your sister is Jackie, mine is Lynn. That's the least of our worries." "Yes, but it's nice to worry about something simple for a change," Marrissa replied. "Now, you agree that we are going to have to send the Wellington back to a space dock." "Agreed," Clara confirmed. "Jay, I'm appointing you acting Captain of the Wellington," Marrissa ordered. "Tomorrow at 1200 hours, the Wellington, the Clinton, and the Undaunted will depart for Earth. You'll have the coded dispatches and a new code sheet for delivery to Star Fleet Command for communicating with this fleet, and be in command of the detachment." "Are you sure that's wise, after all you are close ..." Jay began. "I've got two more months to go, Jay," Marrissa snapped. "I expect you back in half that. The Hawaii will be joining our fleet soon. Hitch a ride back on her. Now, go relieve your little sister and tell her that she and her little brother are expected on the Enterprise in an hour. Oh and have our Romulan Advisor report in here." "Aye, Aye, Mara," Jay replied, snapping to attention and exiting the room. "Is he seeing Martin?" Clara asked, as the seemingly emotionless First Officer left the room. "Yes, he's seeing our mischievous Ship's Counselor," Marrissa replied. "Do you want to take bets on whether or not Martin will object to Jay commanding the Wellington?" Clara asked. "Object, he all ready has," Marrissa replied. "I knew I was going to have to send the Wellington back as soon as I saw that bridge, or rather were the Wellington's bridge use to be and apparently Martin did as well." "He's been around you too long," Clara remarked. "That may be so, but he couldn't find me a workable alternative," Marrissa responded. "After all, you're out, because Doctor Johnson doesn't want you to budge from this ship. Alex is out because you'd kill me if I sent him." "You better not send him any where," Clara grumbled. "Like I said, you'd kill me," Marrissa continued. "And Shayna just doesn't have enough command experience." "You left her in command of the bridge," Clara noted. Marrissa looked over to the bridge observation windows, pretending to check the statement. Lieutenant Shayna Sachs' head was visable in the command chair, the rest of her body being hid by the chair. "So I did. Imagine that," Marrissa replied. Clara smiled as the port side door opened reveling the First Fleet's Romulan advisor. She was wearing a civilian tunic of light blue with darker blue highlights. Her blond hair came down to her shoulders, held in place with a beret, and still cut in a severe bang. "Sela Yarr reporting as ordered, sir." "Come sit down, Sela," Marrissa requested. "How are the elvan sprits today?" She used the ship's crew's pet name for Sela's three daughters. Their long blond hair and pointed ears had led to the nickname. None of them where objecting. "My daughters are driving me nuts as usual," Sela sighed. "You wouldn't care to have Jackie invite them over? It would be good practice." Sela's now twelve year old triplets were very bored on the Enterprise, as they were confined to quarters when the Enterprise was at red or yellow alert. As the Enterprise had been at that state for the past three days, they jumped at the entrance of someone new and proceeded to annoy the hell out of them. "No thank you, I'm sure Jay's siblings will be enough," Marrissa stated. "We really should do something about the Enterprise's sudden increase in children." "What about a kid's crew?" Clara asked. Marrissa stared at Clara, and then broke out laughing. "Why didn't I think of that?" Marrissa asked. "Too close to the problem," Sela remarked. "That might be it," Marrissa said. "Now lets see if we can figure out what our opponent is trying to do." Two dozen Lieutenant Commanders, Five dozen Lieutenants, and several score of additional personnel were waiting at the Star Fleet Museum orbiting Uranus for a pick up. They had been there for a day, and were getting bored. Why Star Fleet had told them to wait there was beyond them. After all, who would pick up personnel at a museum, and who would need 400 people? ^L Chapter Three Jean-Luc Picard, Commanding Admiral, Star Fleet, was buried in paper work. Form after form after form crossed his desk, all demanding he do something, know something, or acquire something. He hadn't appreciated his Chief of Staff, Sibek, until he had to go without for a couple days ... Why did he pick now to go into pan-farr? His nine year old son, Nicholas took in the view of his father shuffling PADDs. It looked like his father would never get done. It was already two hours past supertime, and it didn't look like his father was planning on leaving anytime soon. Since his mother was out commanding the Pasteur under his sister Marrissa's command, and Jackie was serving as Computer Security Officer on Marrissa's ship, Nick and his father were living in 'bachelor quarters' on the edge of San Francisco Bay. Unfortunately, the replicator wasn't hooked up yet. "Are you planning on coming home soon, or should I eat over at the Academy," Nick asked, as his father shuffled PADDs "You stay away from the Academy, I don't need another Jackie," his father mumbled, making some notations on one report. Nick was use to this refrain, and it didn't bother him. It recalled the way his sister Jackie had gotten into Star Fleet very earily. She had sat in on classes at the Academy from age five onward, then when opportunity arose, got herself an commission by helping with Star Fleet Computer Security. He had no intention on joining Star Fleet like his older siblings. Command didn't interest him, space was nothing special, and he'd rather be out working in the vineyard. But, Nick did want to eat sometime tonight. "Then I guess, you'll have to come home," Nick replied. "Someone has to cook dinner, and I can't cook." "What time is it?" Jean-Luc inquired, looking up. Then he saw the clock. "2000 hours! you should have called earlier." As his father got up and walked around his desk to join Nick, he replied, "I tried, but you wouldn't answer, and the new security guy wouldn't let me in. I had to use one of Jackie's programs to get in." "You're on the visitor's list," Jean-Luc Picard replied. "Why didn't they let you in?" "Something about regulations involving children," Nick replied. "I didn't catch it all." "Where should I transfer him?" Jean-Luc asked, beginning a game. "We've got a war going on, how about the front line?" Nick replied, as they entered the turbolift. "Lobby. No, that would mean putting him under your sister Marrissa's command, and I don't think she'd appreciate that," his father remarked, shooting that down as the turbolift decended. They exited the turbolift into the front lobby. "You're right, what about the Cardassian border?" Nick responded. He and his father had played this game since he was five, started with simple suggestions, then suggesting more and more outrageous postings until they couldn't think of any more, and concluded that the officer in question should stay where they were. "There is an opening on Deep Space Nine." "Under Vice Admiral Sisko? I don't think he'd like that," Picard responded, as they exited the building. Rear Admiral Will Riker was on his way in. "Good evening, Will." "Admiral, on your way out I see," the long time number one replied. "Nick finally called me to dinner," Jean-Luc Picard responded. "And you?" "Captain La Forge had some problems with some people in supply, I told him I'd see to it," Riker replied. "Carry on then Will, I expect to see you at the Vineyard next Sunday," Jean-Luc responded. "I'll be there," Riker responded. "Now where were we?" Jean-Luc Picard asked his son. "I was just about to suggest Jelico's World, there is an opening at the prison," Nick grinned, as they entered the air tram to their home. "Interesting, but I think the gravity might be a problem," his father replied. "1.5 G is a little much for someone use to Earth." "Then there is the lunar base of Devadia XX," Nick suggested, as the train suddenly shuddered to a halt, and its power went out. "What the Hell?" Jean-Luc Picard exclaimed, as he looked out the window. The tram's port side was facing towards Star Fleet Head Quarters. As the Commanding Admiral Starfleet watched, green beams of phaser fire shot down from the sky, obliterating it. Panic shot though the tram, as people sought an exit, afraid the tram would be next. In the confusion, the Admiral lost his footing and was trampled. His son, seeing his father go down, pressed himself up against the wall, allowing the panicked passengers to exit, jumping or being pushed out the port and starboard doors. Meanwhile up in orbit, three score warbirds had decloaked, first firing at set targets on earth; Star Fleet Command, San Francisco; UFP Congress Building, New York; Star Fleet Engineering Head Quarters, Riyadh; Federation Trade Center, Tokyo. The only major center of Federation Operation on Earth left alone was the new Star Fleet Medical Center in a small city in the Appalachian Mountains. Earth was not undefended, satellite defenses lit up the Romulan shields, and the Second Fleet was in orbit, firing as well. Normally Admiral Riker would command the fleet, but he was unreachable, probably dead, so Captain Geordi La Forge of the USS Nova was in command. He bore down on the Romulans hard, forcing them to back away from Earth. Earth wasn't the only place in the Terren System under attack by the Romulan Fleet, a dozen warbirds were heading toward Mars and Utopia Planitia Ship Yards. Commander McIvery activated all the workable ships in the yard, giving the senior most officer aboard command. She was on board the newest Nova Class, the Yorktown, but not in command. "Captain Riker, she's all yours," Adrain McIvery informed Deanna Riker. Commander McIvery didn't technically have the authority to place the ships she was in charge of building into service, but in a pinch like this, who was going to argue with her? Even with the 40 ships in the Second Fleet, and the dozen and a half more that Utopia had brought in, Star Fleet was still out numbered, 58 to 72. The battle raged. Star Fleet had the advantage of being on their home turf, the Romulans the advantage of numbers. On the Martian front, things were going well. It was 3 to 2, Star Fleet, and none of the vessels that McIvery had activated heard the refrain of the Enterprise-B, "Not until Tuesday." The Nova class Starship Yorktown, a week short of commissioning, lead the way, pushing Romulans aside. It's phasers leaping out like a lion tamer's whip, the warbirds jumping back like the lion stung. The Hawaii swung around the rear of the advancing Romulans. She played with the famous Picard Maneuver, leaping from place to place, stinging the rears of the warbirds with volleys of photon torpedoes and phaser fire. The moons of Mars, bristling with phaser and photon torpedo emplacements, shot out, daring the Romulans to come closer. Back orbiting Earth, the odds were reversed. Captain La Forge and the Second Fleet were fighting a tough battle, already he had lost an Intrepid Class starship who had gotten caught in the crossfire of two Romulan vessels. True he had the support of the Moon, satellite defenses and Star Base One. But the satellite defenses had been thinned by the Romulan attack, and La Forge had a whole planet to protect. Captain Geordi La Forge had little experience in defending. He had spent most of his career as an Engineer on an exploratory vessel. Command to him was a recent change, he'd only been in the center seat for a little over a year, but the ship's commanders around him pushed him into the lead. Something about the mile long starship said, 'I command here.' And command it did, its phasers sent its targets retreating as La Forge pushed the Warbirds further from Earth. But that wasn't enough. The Nova and his two Ambassador class ships, the Virginia and the Ohio, where pushing them back. His ten Excelsiors where holding their own, but the rest where not, and La Forge knew that unless something changed, he'd be loosing them. Away from it all, in the Star Fleet Museum, the two dozen Lieutenant Commanders had noticed the battle. They wished they were inside the system, in the battle, gaining glory, instead of waiting here, away from it all. ^L Chapter Four The Terran system was chaos, as the Romulans attacked. They pushed in again towards Earth, only the Nova, the Virginia, and the Ohio able to push them back. Around Mars, they were in trouble. The Yorktown and her unfinished cohorts nipping at thier heels. But the Romulans were winning. Out orbiting Uranus was the Star Fleet Muesem. It contained many exbits, the first hand phaser, the original Enterprise command chair, Captain Sulu's sword, and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard's Klingon dagger. But more importantly, it contained a dozen Starships, restored to the condition in witch they where lauched (except for the Enterprise-B, she was ready this time). Three Enterprises (A, B, and C), the Miranda, the Obeth, the Constellation, the Constitution and many more were kept in readness. Now for the first time in years, decades for some, they were headed into action. The officers waiting at the Muesem had gotten restless, and did not want to stand by and let Earth be taken. So they manned the muesem peices, and headed into battle. If they were damaged or destroyed in battle, it wouldn't matter. When Earth is under attack, it was freedom that mattered. Back on Earth, Nicholas Picard servayed what had been left behind when the passengers had abandoned the air tram. The tram was a mess, papers and containers torn and flung around the cabin. His father lay on the floor, a nasty gash on his forehead, the result of someones shoe, and breathing shollowly. Nick rushed to his father's side. He checked for a pluse and found a shallow one. Using his shirt, he bound his father's headwound. His father appeared to be unconscience and had lost allot of blood. His communicator was on the floor beside him, surprisingly in good condition. Nicholas opened a channel, "Picard to Medical Personnel, one injury, head wound, loss of blood problable concusion, possible broken ribs. Need immediate medical attention." From the communicator, a kind woman's voice came out, "Is the patient safe for transport?" "I think so," Nicholas responded. "Beaming you to Star Fleet Medical now." Meanwhile light years from Earth on the Wellington, Jay Gordon, acting Captain, was drawn out of his brooding over the loss of his parents by a urgent message from his tactical officer. "Sir, message from the Second Fleet," she said. "Earth is under attack, all assistance requested, Captain La Forge, USS Nova." Jay may have been in a depression, letting the ship go by, but once he knew a crisis was at hand, he moved smothly into his command mode. "Increase speed to maximum, go to red alert. Ready all weapons." No longer occuppied musing over might have beens and things he wished he had said to his parents, Jay was now wondering what was happening in the Terren System. Jay Gordon wasn't the only one heading toward Earth. Vice Admiral Sisko on the Defiant, and Captain Washington on the Stargazer were on coarse as well. Sisko was the one who had requested the people at the muesem. Washington was to command the Yorktown. The Earth's distress had been heard, and they were responding. Soon the Wellington, and its counterparts, the Clinton and the Undaunted, were coming out of warp near Earth. Jay's view screen down in Engineering showed a curious thing. Romulan Warbirds attacking Earth with thier tails being nipped by antique starships. Then in the midst of the battle the Defiant decloaked and opened fire. From behind the Moon, the Stargazer rose, a halo of fighters surounding her. From Mars, several incomplete starships came forth, phasers firing. As Jay's forces joined the fray, the tide of battle turned to Star Fleet's favor. Here on thier home turf, where almost every Star Fleet Officer had been taught, they now had the upper hand. As warbird after warbird colapsed under the pressure of the Star Fleet defenders, some tried to flee, forgeting for the moment, that thier shields had to drop before cloaking. They would never forget that again. As the last warbird departed from existance, however, a dire message came from the Nova, "Captain La Forge injured, who takes command?" Captain Jay Gordon, Marrissa's able second from the first fleet, asked, "Who commands your ship?" in a general hail. In response, the first fleet replied with the name of Commander after Commander. Not a single Captain was in command on any of the surviving 34 vessels in the Second Fleet. From the ships coming from Utopia, only Captain Deanna Riker replied. At that Admiral Sisko hailed all. "Vice Admiral Benjamin Sisko, USS Defiant," he said confidently. "I'd take command, but I'm afraid my stop here is temporary. As soon as those Commanders who stole the starships from the museum return them, I have to take them somewhere." "Understood, Admiral," Jay and Deanna responded in unison. "Captain Gordon, you serve as the First Fleet's X.O., correct?" Sisko asked. "As well as the Enterprise's first," Jay confirmed. "Then I suggest, you take command until the mess on Earth is sorted out," Sisko responded. "Defiant out." "Mister Wallace, inform all ships that I am assuming temporary command of the ships in the Terren System," Captain Jay Gordon ordered. "Inform Captain Troi that I will be beaming aboard the Yorktown. Find out who is in control on Earth, and let me know." Jay exited Engineering, his mind full of plans to get Earth back in shape. Light years away inside the nebula FGS-47, his sister was trying not to cry. She and her younger brother had just moved in to her brother and his wife's quarters. Jacqualynn Gordon was to share a room with Marrissa's sister Jacqualine, while her brother had a room to himself. "No I'm not going to cry," Lynn told herself, trying to restrain the tears threatening to flow as she put away her belongings. She remember where she had aquired each object and as she was only tweleve, most of them had memories associated with her parents. She toyed with the idea of hiding the belonging that reminding her of her dead parents the most. "No, I'm not going to be like my little brother." Her six year old brother Jeffery had spent the last couple hours with his head buried in his pillow crying his heart out. "And that would be a bad thing?" a voice came from the door. Lynn turned to see her sister in law, Marrissa standing at the door. "Yes, a big girl like me shouldn't cry," Lynn responded her eyes begining to fill despite her best efforts. "Where did you get that idea?" Marrissa asked gently, as she sat down beside her. "I'm a big girl, I can command..." Lynn began. "I know you're big," Marrissa responded. "But that doesn't stop you from having feelings. It's not good to hold them up inside you. I know, I've tried." "You have?" Lynn asked, tears now flowing freely. "You're not the only girl to lose both of your parents at a young age," Marrissa responded, gentle laying the crying girl back on her bed. "I lost my mother and father at age 12, as well." "You did?" "Yes, and I spent the next two months denining my grief and avoiding the Ship's Counselor," Marrissa told her. "I pinned all my emotions behind a tight wall and hid behind my new Star Fleet uniform and it's shiny ensign's pip. Clara tells me that I was murder to my Kid's crew during those months. But I still missed my parents and all the pinned up emotions did me no good." "What happened?" "Well, its always surprising to me what finally made me break down," Marrissa mused. "I had just won the ship's science fair for my age group for the third year in a row, which in no doubt endeared me to my classmates. My adopted father came down to present the awards and take the winners on the ship's tour. As he handed my blue ribbon to me he said, 'good job, daughter.' It was then that I finally realized that my parents were dead. I grabbed on to the poor Captain and cried my heart out. You can go on with life at warp 13, trying to forget, but eventually your emotions will catch up with you." Marrissa sighed As Marrissa finished, Lynn yawned. Her day had been rather tiring and now she needed a nap despite her age. "Marrissa?" "Yes Lynn." "Do you ever get over it?" Lynn yawned again, closing her eyes Marrissa mused over the statement before replying, "No, not entirely." But Marrissa had waited too long. Lynn was asleep. Marrissa pulled the blanket over Lynn, kissed her on the forehead and left the room, thinking about her own parents. ^L Chapter Five Nickolas Picard paced nerviously outside the room where they worked on his father. Fleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard had lost a lot of blood, had a concusion, and several broken ribs. He noticed that things had gotten a lot less frantic since he had arrived. Then the Medical Center had been a busle of activity, injuries coming in from around the world. Now things were quieting. Pateints were being moved to rooms, and the busle around the operating rooms had quieted. He remembered the arguements his parents had over the size of this new hospital. He was willing to bet that his father would have no problems with a two billion bed hospital now. From the operating room an exprienced doctor emerged, her hair, once blond now graying. As she approached, Nick looked up expectantly. "Nicholas Picard?" the same voice that had greeted his request for assistance asked. His face took on a look of dread as the doctor approached. "I'm Doctor Kate Pulaski," she introduced herself. "You father is going to be fine." "Can I see him?" "In a little bit, we are moving him to a privite room," Pulaski responded. "He should sleep for the next 24 hours, and he will have to take it easy for the next couple of months." "If you'll releive him of duty, I'll make sure he can't lift a finger," Nicholas responded, dutifully. "You can do that?" Pulaski replied. "I didn't know anyone could restrain him. I had the devil of a time when I was his CMO." "You served with my father?" Nick responded, interested. "Oh, yes, on board the old Enterprise-D while your mother was off commanding Star Fleet Medical," Pulaski informed. "Now how does one get old Jean-Luc Picard to restrain himself?" "I just tell him that I'll tell mother," Nick replied. As he completed the comment Laxwanna Troi entered, rushing over to Nick's side. "Nicholas, where is your father, the Computer said he was here." "Fleet Admiral Picard has been releived of duty," Doctor Pulaski responded for Nick. "I must see him," Laxwanna responded trying to push her way past. "He must get his rest, and I have restricted visitors to family members, hospital wide," Doctor Pulaski said firmly playing the unmoveable object to Laxwanna's unstoppable force. "Even if you where the President of the Federation on urget business you couldn't get into see him." "That is what I am," Laxwanna responded. "Captain Jay Gordon has asked who commands now that Star Fleet Head Quarters is gone. I must find out who that is." "When did Inno die?" Pulaski asked. "I assume when the Congress building was blown up by the Romulans while he was giving the state of the union address," Laxwanna responded. "In any case, I'm now president and I'd like to know who commands this war we're in." "My father keeps a list of people that he believes could replace him in the upper left compartment of his desk drawer back in the vineyard house," Nick informed. "Since the Doctor says that my father will be out for how long?" "A month if he is good, two if not," Pulaski responded. "Ah, just in time to see my sister give birth," Nick remarked. "Jay has a key, you can get him and find out my father's recommendations. Doctor Pulaski, can I go see my father now?" "I'll take you there," Pulaski said, as President Laxwanna Troi rushed out of the hospital. Captain Jay Gordon and Captain Deanna Riker met the new President of the Federation outside the Picard Vineyard House. The two Captains were a study in contrasts. Jay was a tall blond man who had a note of sadness around him. Deanna Riker was short with dark hair and bubbling with left over enthusiasm from the battle. "Good morning Captain, Little One," Laxwanna said, striding up to the Captains. "Good morning," Jay responded. Deanna replied only with a short glare, she hated the nickname her mother called her, and wished her mother would stop calling her that. "Let us go in." Jay palmed open the lock and opened the door for the ladies. "Captain, Nicholas said the document we needed is in upper left compartment of Jean-Luc's desk drawer," the President informed. "I know the document in question," Jay replied, going over to the desk and removing a single peice of parchment. "My father-in-law thought parchment would be appropriate for this document." He handed the singlely folded paper to President Troi. Laxwanna unfolded the sheet and began reading the twenty names and postings. She passed name after name who she knew were dead. She came to number five, and remembered the bad news she had to deliver. "Vice Admiral William T. Riker," she sighed. As she noticed her daughter brightening, she took the plung. "I'm sure rather hear it from me than have some Lieutenant come to your door. Deanna, I'm afraid Will was inside Star Fleet Command when it blew up." "Are you sure?" Deanna asked as tears filled her eyes. "I wish I wasn't, Little One," Laxwanna replied taking her lone daughter into her arms. "Jay, only one of these people is still alive. Would you mind arranging a secure channel to your wife." By this time, Deanna had completely let go in the protection of her mother's arms and was crying softly. Jay understood Deanna Riker's grief, so he took the paper from the president and when into the next room where he double checked the communication station's security like he had learned from his young sister-in-law Jackie. As everything checked out, he then went to the wine cellar and picked out some of the '67. He knew that that had been an average year and he didn't think that a good year would be appreciated or he would have gotten some of the '63 with it's label commemorating the owner, Marise Picard's son recieving command of the Federation Flagship. He suppected that the '83 would be receiving a similar label. Then he reentered the room, carrying a tray with the wine and three glasses on it. "A little wine for your sorrows," Jay suggested as Deanna pulled herself away from her mother. She accepted the glass. Jay pored one for the President as well. "Mrs. President the communicator is sent in the next room. Just press the button labeled Marrissa." "Is it secure?" Laxwanna Troi asked. "Unless someone else has sampled Jackie's DNA, yes," Jay responded, sipping at his own glass of wine. Marrissa had just put Jeffery to bed when the call came in. It being gamma shift, Clara was in command, and was her that informed Marrissa of the call, "Message incoming on secured frequency 49. It's coded as personnel prority one contact from Commanding Admiral Star Fleet." 49 was the low admiral personal contact frequency, similar to 47, Captain's Personal. "Pipe it down here, Clara," Marrissa responded, bringing up her view screen. "Aye sir." "Prority One authorization J required," the computer informed. The new authorization scemes in Star Fleet for this war had been named according to thier inventor's first name. J stood for Marrissa's sister Jacqualine. "Marrissa, file 1 0 1 3 5, level two alpha, command Enterprise," Marrissa replied, placing her hand on the authorization padd. "Authorization confirmed, standby for incoming communication," the computer responded. The Star Fleet Logo was replaced with the vistage of Laxwanna Troi. In the background the Picard Family Vineyard House's dinning room could be made out. "Admiral Marrisa Picard, I regret to inform you that Earth has been attacked. While we have fought them off, many places on Earth have been destroyed. President Inno died addressing the Federation Congress, making me President." "I'm sorry to hear that, Madem President," Marrissa responded, begining to suspect bad news was emanate. "Thank you Admiral," Troi responded. "Star Fleet Command was also destroyed." Marrissa took in a deep breath, her mind racing. "Fortunately, the Fleet Admiral was not inside. However, he was injured in the insueing panic and will be out of commission for the next month or two." "How is he?" Marrissa inquired. "I'm told he is resting quietly," Laxwanna responed, "but that is not why I called you. With Jean-Luc out of commission, I must appoint an acting Commanding Admiral, Star Fleet to act until he can return to duty. I have here his recommendations for just such an event. You are my only choice." "Surely there are others," Marrissa demurred. "I happen to know that I'm twentith on that list." "All the others are dead," Troi responded. "I will be making an announcement of your new position after I am publicly sworn in. I'm told that will happen sometime around noon, Greenwich Meen Time." "Send out a general order announcing it around the same time," Marrissa informed. "That will make it official." "Thank you Marrissa, Troi out." Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Excelsior came out of warp with his detachment of five starships. The system which held Romulan Starbase 17, normally held a score of ships for it's defense. A prevoius attack by all forty starships in the first fleet, of which the Excelsior was a part, had dropped that number to a dozen, before reinforcements arrived. Only those were gaurding the system when the Excelsior made it's attack run. It was a hit and run attack. Sulu hitting the starbase and gloating them into following him. Six followed the Excelsoir and it's cohorts out of the system. The warbirds steadfastly resisted losing the Starfleet vessels, not that they were trying hard to lose them. ^L Chapter Six In a couple of hours Captain Jay Gordon would be shipping out on the Hawaii with her new Captain, Deanna Troi. (With her husband's death she had shifted back to her maiden name.) T'Gwen Washington had assumed command of the Fleet at Earth until Captain La Forge was ready to return to duty, and had been made a Rear Admiral by Marrissa. Marrissa, upon assuming command of Star Fleet, had be promoted to full Admiral and was directing the war from her position somewhere along Romulan Space. He would be rejoining the fleet at Essex. Meanwhile he had something to take care of on the Wellington. When the door to his parents quarters on the Wellington opened, familer sights greeted him. He hadn't lived with his parents since he left for the Academy at fourteen, and then his parents were living on the Independence. Never the less, the quarters had the same feel of home, a feeling he had tried to envoke on the Enterprise. It was mostly standard furnature, with the exception of his mother's rocking chair, but still the memory was there. He had come to pack up all the belongings, sorting out those that were to go to the Enterprise, mostly those of his little brother and sister Lynn. The rest he'd put in storage on Essex in his wife's castle basement, the dungeon she like to call it. He'd promised himself he wouldn't cry, and he made a valiant effort, until he came to his parents' room. The last time he had visited them, and he had stayed out of the quarters on his way to Earth, the rocking chair had been opposite his parent's bed. Now it was partially packed in a packing case. On the bedside table was a note in his mother's handwriting. Jay's eyes filled with tears as he began reading. Dear Jay, As your wife's time grows near, I feel it is time to pass on the family rocking chair. I know you'll problably insist I keep it, but thier comes a time when you must pass on such traditions. This chair has been in the Gordon family for centuries. Your grandma Gordon gave it to me just before I had you, and said she got it from Great Grandma Gordon before she had your father. Now it's your turn. Just don't name your child Morgan, I know all the ribbing your father went though with that name. Love, Mom Jay's tears flowed freely, letting go as he mechanicly finished packing. Soon everything was in order. His younger siblings's stuff and the rocking chair were ready to beam to the Hawaii. While the rest would be taken to Essex later on a feighter. He used his right sleeve to dry his face and shakenly ordered, "Captain Jay Gordon to Hawaii, one person and cargo to beam up." Lynn was finishing up, between the tears, her arrangement of her belongings in her new room that she shared with Jackie. She hadn't seen Jackie since she moved in, but Jackie's bed had been sleep in. Lynn made the bed for her. Lynn liked things to be tity. She decided, that for the moment, the family picture was just too painful. Instead, she placed a picture of herself, her older brother Jay, her older sister Jessica, and her younger brother Jeffery, taken just before Jay had received his promotion to Captain next to her bed. "You didn't need to make the bed," Jackie commented as she entered the room. "I can't stand an unmade bed," Lynn shrugged. "I would have made it, but Commander Sutter-Rozhenko had a problem that needed my attention," Jackie responded. "Rule number 14 of being an officer on a starship, they'll always wake you up early when you stayed up late." "Then don't stay up late," Lynn suggested. "I stayed up late fixing another problem," Jackie replied. "That reminds me, Marrissa wants me to set up a Kid's crew on the Enterprise. Apparently my time is higher than the other children on board." "Not that hard, mines only 15:14.234" Lynn responded. "Then I beat you by a hundredth of a second," Jackie replied. "Anyway, do you have any suggestions on how to start?" "You're asking me?" Lynn responded. Jackie gave an of course shrug. "I inherited my crew from my sister Jessica. She might have an idea, lets go ask her." "I don't think we want to do that," Jackie replied. At Lynn's look of askance, Jackie continued. "She hasn't been in the best of moods lately. I ran into a couple of the pilots from her squadron. She's ridding them hard." "Jess, ridding them hard?" Lynn exclaimed. "I didn't think their was a mean bone in her body ... with the exception of what ever makes her ignore me and my little brother." "She ignores you?" Jackie inquired. Jackie's siblings had always been attentive, so this was something new to her. "How could she, she's your sister.""There is four years difference and she's never taken the time to get to know me," Lynn responded. "There is thirteen between me and Marrissa, and twenty-three between me and Wesley," Jackie replied. "They've always listened to me." "Lynn, Jackie, a word with you please," Marrissa called from the next room. The two came rushing in. "Any progress on the kid's crew front?" "Not really," Jackie responded. "I was hoping Lynn would have some ideas, but she inherited her crew." "I'll then I suggest a good place to start may be your teachers," Marrissa stated. "They know who is good at what. and who is fascinated with this and that. They are an excellent starting place. But, that's not why I called you. Jacquelyn Christine Gordon. Your actions in battle have come to my attention. It is my opinion as Kid's Crew Supervising Officer, that you deserve an Ensign's rank. As Commanding Admiral, Star Fleet, I'm happy to give you one." "Thank you, Admiral," Lynn responded. "I hope I can live up to your expectations." "I'm sure you will, Lynn," Marrissa replied. Martin Sussex, Ship's Counselor, walked into Sickbay for his weekly meeting with Doctor Johnson. The Earl Floras was about 5' 10" in height and of a medium build. He wore Starfleet Medical blue, although regulations allowed him great freedom in attire. He brushed back a stray blond hair, and called out, "Doctor, are you ready for our meeting yet," after noting the vacant office. "Hold your horses, Martin," the Doctor called from the lab. "I'll be out in a moment." The Doctor exited the lab, and hung his lab coat on the coat rack outside his office. "Still trying to cure the incurable?" Martin asked. "Actually I was making sugar candy for the younguns," Doctor Jackson Johnson responded. "If they know there is a reward, they're much more cooperative. What's first on the agenda?" "Let's start with Marrissa's situation," Martin suggested. "How are those two children she just acquired." "Physically they are OK," the Doctor responded. "Jeffery was quit fascinated with my equipment. I promised to give him a tour sometime. Jacquelynn, I think she goes by Lynn," Martin confirmed this with a nod, "seemed preoccupied. She seemed also to be neglecting herself a little. Her hair had a couple tangles." "I think Lynn is dealing with her grief like Jay's been known to do," Martin responded. "How's that?" Jackson inquired. "Retreating from the world, holing up, isolating ones self from the world," Martin enumerated. "You remember how Jay was when he thought the Captain was dead seven months ago." "I do remember trying to find him for the physical, which he needs again," Jackson responded. "I assume you have a plan to keep little Lynn from following in her brother's path." "Yes, I've asked Marrissa to talk to her, as she had a similar experience," Martin informed. "And the Admiral is also looking for some activity to get her out of the quarters." "Admiral Picard had a similar experience?" Doctor Johnson inquired. "I wasn't aware of it." "It was before your time, and mine as well," Martin informed the doctor. "I only know it from her record and what Clara told me. It seems that during the time that Marrissa first took command of the saucer on the old Enterprise-D, both her parents died on some classified mission. Shortly there after, then Captain Jean-Luc Picard adopted her. I'm told that Marrissa was absolute hell on her Kid's Crew for the next couple months." "Speaking of hell, what about Lieutenant Jessica Gordon?" Doctor Johnson asked. "Well, I'd say the squadron commander is doing the opposite of her younger sister's reaction," Martin responded. "She seems to be throwing herself into her work. In the process she is pushing her squadron to the limit." "A little time off might be in order," Johnson responded. "Possible, but I think a temporary reassignment may be better," Martin Sussex responded. "She needs something to occupy her time, but not so involved.""Forward the suggestion to Admiral Picard for the temporary reassignment," Doctor Johnson advised. "Now what about Ensign Greer ..." Jackie and Lynn were going over the reports that the Enterprise's teachers had supplied them. There were 26 children over the age of 5, which was the minimum age for kid's crews. The two residents of the Captain's quarters were the only two who had their command credentials among them. "I don't think we can do much more than make a bridge crew rotation," Lynn remarked. "We can do more than that," Jackie responded, pushing back her red hair. "We've got some good people security wise, and the triplets seem to each fill a role on our bridge." "I agree, lets see if we can make a shift with them," Lynn responded. "Beverly for Engineering, Deanna at Operations, and station Tasha at tactical. That just leaves a helmsman, and a command officer." "How about Jeffrey?" Jackie replied. "He's got good reflexes." "It will get him out of his room," Lynn remarked. "But I've never been able to find a place for him before. He does OK where ever I place him, but lacks enthusiasm." "Red Alert, All hands to Battle stations," the computer interupted. "So much for planning," Jackie remarked. "I've got to get down to system monitoring." "See you later," Lynn replied. Earlier down in Sickbay, Doctor Jackson Johnson was showing little Jeffrey Gordon around, as promised. The little six-year-old ate the doctor's words up like candy. He seemed interested in everything that the doctor said, and knew more than the doctor expected. "This is the isolation ward," Doctor Johnson explained. "Capable of keeping fifty people insolated from each other while still allowing treatment," Jeffery responded. "Yes, how did you know that?" the Doctor inquired. "I had Jackie pull up the stats for me last night," Jeffery responded. "Lets see what else you know," Johnson asked. "You can give me the tour." Jeffery proceeded to give the tour, with only a couple corrections from Doctor Johnson. "Amazing, you seem to have a real interest in Medicine," a nurse commented as they concluded the tour. Romulan Starbase Five was in Captain Demora Sulu of the Ambassador Class Starship Osaka's sights. With only five starships, she didn't expect to over run it's dozen defenders. But that wasn't her goal. The Osaka and her companions charged into the system, striking ships as they passed. One lucky shot hit a warbird, sending it up in flames. Then out again, Demora sent her ships. Off to Essex, six warbirds following, she sped. A half a dozen warbirds followed, nipping at her heels. A convincing show of attempted evasion was given, as they lep across the old Nuetral Zone. ^L Chapter Seven The Enterprise warped towards Romulan Starbase 9. Normally she would have been surrounded by her fleet of 40 ships. But the Lionheart was gone; the Wellington and two others were awaiting repair at Utopia. She had started out short one from an early attack on this base. The Wellington and its cohorts would be back in week, and the Hawaii would be waiting for her at Essex, so it wasn't permanent. However that wasn't all she was missing. The Excelsior had detached with 4 others, and the Osaka with 4 more to run a little distraction. So Marrissa had only 25 ships against a base which she had failed to destroy with more. That didn't bother Marrissa. She knew she had worn this strech of Romulan Space down more than it had her. And anyway she didn't plan to destroy it. She planned to capture it. As she came out of warp, just five ships were detected in the system. The Enterprise and her cohorts plotted a coarse past them. They went by fast, and firing. One by one the the Romulan ships exploded under the fire of the score and five Star Fleet vessels. Afterwards they surrounded the pristine Romulan Starbase. Marrissa opened a channel. "This is Admiral Marrissa Amber Picard of the USS Enterprise," she announced. "We demand your immediate and unconditional surrender or we will open fire." "This is Admiral Sivics of the Romulan Starbase 9," was the reply. "Withdraw at once or be destroyed." "I think not." "Oh really, your homeworld is in flames, your goverment in ashes. Your second fleet destroyed." "Really. True, Earth was attacked, but the second fleet is alive and well. As for the other effects in Star Fleet, well the Romulans worst nightmare just happened." "You're in command of Star Fleet?!?!" "Why yes, for the next couple months. You care to surrender?" "No." "That's OK, Admiral Sivisc. We'll just take your starbase over with out you. Enterprise out." "Shayna, status of our troops?" Marrissa asked, settling back into her chair. "All five thousand have been sucessfully transported aboard," Shayna responded. "Shall I inquire as to thier progress?" "Please." "75 percent of the base sercure. They are readying to take the Command Center." "Admiral Sivisc is hailing us again," Alexander reported. "On screen," Marrissa ordered. The Romulan Admiral appeared. "Forget something, Admiral?" "I demand you withdraw your troops immediately," Sivisc demanded. "If you don't I will destroy this base with your troops on it." "Go ahead," Marrissa replied, in a cold daring tone. "Computer set self-distruct," Sivisc ordered, placing his hand on a nearby panel. "Authorization, Sivisc Primus Command Delta One Four One Distruct." The Romulan Computer responded in a deep bass, "Insufficiant authorization." "What!" the Admiral exclaimed over the still open channel. "This isn't your day is it?" Marrissa observed. "Computer, terminate communication and explain last response." The computer replied, but not in the deep bass it had earlier, but in the alto like Star Fleet's computers, "Unable to comply, peer has canceled request. Prisoners are not allowed access to Star Fleet Computers." Admiral Sivisc began trembling with barely contained anger. At that Security Officers burst into the room. They quickly disarmed the Romulans and escorted them out. Commander Wesley Crusher entered the room and addressed Admiral Marrissa Picard, "Admiral we have complete control of the starbase." "What does Jackie say about the computer systems?" Marrissa asked. "The're ok for now, but give her a couple days to finish up the details," Wesley replied. "I don't know why you let little'sis go on this mission." "Simple Wes, she was the best person for the job," Marrissa responded. "You now have command of that starbase, which we will call Starbase Rome One. Congraduations, Commander." "Thank you, Commander Crusher out." ^L Chapter Eight Marrissa was going though some of the paper work that came with the job of Commanding Admiral, Star Fleet. She had a staff assigned to help her by Quartermaster Mary, daughter of Guinan, which made things easier, but thier was still a lot of paperwork. There was an request from Captain LaForge, asking for a commanding officer to be assigned to the second fleet, since Admiral Riker was dead. That was one she could handle rather quickly. "Computer open a secured channel to Captain Geordi LaForge, Commanding Officer, USS Nova." After a moment, Captain LaForge appeared on her desk screen, apparently in his ready room. "Captain LaForge, USS Nova, how can I help you Admiral?" "By taking command of your fleet," Marrissa responded. "I'm restoring the rank of Commadore, and appointing you to that rank." "Admiral, I respectfully request that you find someone else," LaForge responded. "I've only been a Captain for nine months, and I'm an Engineer anyway. The only reason I got command of the Nova was because it was the first off the line, and they always assign an Engineer to command the first off the line." "I know, Commadore, but you have shown yourself to be more that adequate as a Commanding Officer of a Starship," Marrissa responded. "Of a starship, commanding starships and commanding fleets are two differant things," LaForge replied. "I know, but you've shown that you can do that too," Admiral Marrissa Picard replied. "So take command ... or you'll find out why some of my less that adequate officers refer to me as 'the Royal Terror.' Starfleet out." Captain Jay Gordon was about to enter his quarters on board the Enterprise. It had been a long trip back from Earth. Captain Troi had assisted the Excelsior and the Osaka in clearing up some Romulans who had tailed them to Essex on the way in. Who would have thought that a former Ship's Conselor would be such a good Commanding Officer? In any case, he had snuck back aboard the Enterprise, stopping only to make sure the rocking chair made it aboard. The door opened. His wife was sitting on a chair, facing away from the door. On the sofa was his little brother Jeffery, listening to the story Marrissa was reading. Jeffery's eyes went wide, and he was about to say something when Jay placed his finger across his lip. Jeffery nodded slightly. Jay gently set down his duffle and approached Marrissa from behind. "Guess who?" he asked as he covered her eyes, stopping the story. "Jay!" Marrissa exclaimed, removing his hands and standing up to embrace her husband. "Miss me?" Jay asked as Jeffery joined thier hug. "Of coarse," Marrissa replied. "You're back," came a call from the girls room. The blond owner, Jacquelynn Gordon, rushed from the room to greet her older brother. Behind her at a much slower pace came his wife's sister Jackie Picard. "We seem to have aquired a family while I was gone," Jay remarked, breaking off from the embrace and steering his wife over to the loveseat. The rest of the family returned to thier rooms to get ready for bed. "It's good practice," Marrissa commented, her hand on her growing belly."Come up with any new names?" Jay asked. "Well for a boy we agreed on Louis Andrew," Marrissa reminded. "I still think that Sara would be a good name for a girl." "You do realize that means princess," Jay remarked. "Princess Sara is redunt." "Unless I become Queen, she won't be a princess," Marrissa stated. "It's an old rule, but no one is going to change it." "OK, I'll relent if you agree to follow the Gordon family middle naming sceme," Jay responded. "Alara would be a nice one." "Agreed," Marrissa responded. "I wonder if Clara and Alex have settled on a name yet." "I doubt it," Jackie responded. "I heard them arguing about it on the way back from the Computer Core. By the way Marrissa, I've finished forming the Kid's Crew you asked for. I'd like to be able to reserve some holodeck time for training, but Commander Lochard has them all booked solid for the next two weeks." "I'll see if I can get her to cede some time to you," Marrissa replied. "So you have a higher time than Lynn," Jay commented. "Some how I'm surprised." "It's just by a hundredth of a second, brother," Lynn remarked. "And she's welcome to the pressures of command. I'm too busy learning about being an officer." Jay looked at his wife. "So you gave her the full rank," he queried. "She did sucessfully command the Wellington during battle," Marrissa defended. "That's not easy to do, especially under the circumstances." "You don't intend for anyone to have a childhood, do you?" Jay asked. "She's almost thirteen," Marrissa justified. "I had just turned 12 when I got my rank." "Yeah, Jay," Lynn chimed in. "You had been an ensign four months when you were my age. It's not like I've spent my last five years trying to get into Star Fleet like someone I know." "That's not fair," Jackie chimed in. "I come from a very competive family." "And you worship your sister like a god," Jay responded. Jackie slumped. "Don't worry, we still love you despite that." He ruffed his sister-in-laws hair which annoyed her. "Don't pick on my little sister," Marrissa defended. "If she wants to follow in my footsteps, I don't mind. It does look like you're chosing your own path now though, Jackie." "Programming is fun. Chasing down bugs and security breaches is almost a game," Jackie remarked. "I still want to command though." "You two are too alike," Jay commented, about Jackie and his wife. "What does it take to get you two not to enjoy your duties?" "I refuse to answer that question, on the grounds that it may cause future problems," Marrissa replied. "As Commanding Admiral Starfleet, you can't order me." "Just once, I'd like to out rank you," Jay responded. "Well Jackie, do you have an answer." "I haven't encountered anything yet, but I'm only twelve and I've only been in StarFleet six months," Jackie answered. "Ask me again in a couple of years." ^L Epilogue With the capture of Romulan Starbase Nine, the tide of the war had turned. From then on StarFleet held the upperhand. It was sometimes a shaky upper hand, but they held it. Admiral Marrissa Amber Picard held command of StarFleet for the next two months. When her baby was born, she turned StarFleet over to her father once again. Before that happened, one last hurtle had to be over come. The Klingons do not often stay out of wars. As Marrissa began her systematic takeover of the Romulan Star Empire, they were debating which side to join. The Cardassians had been about to join the Federation at the time of the war's opening. They were debating thier position as well. That story will be told in Return to Glory, along with further adventures of our intrepid commander of the USS Enterprise. Proffessor John P. Hereomise III Proffessor of 24th Century History University of Alpha-Beta Hidroxide University August 20, 2456