Trekiverse: Deep Space Nine Stories
Inherited Memories by Calicia
Series: DS9
Codes: Du, Z, various m, various f
Artist Nanpart Malor and his sister and brother-in-law Evaren and Valonnan Dukat take steps to ensure the survival of art when Cardassia is threatened by economic collapse. This leads to a legacy passed down the Dukat line.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 15402 bytes Review
Inlaws/Outlaws by Katryn Ramage
Series: DS9
Codes: G/B
Julian's parents drop in at DS9 to try to break up their son's marriage to Garak.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 72937 bytes Review
InQuisition by Mercutio
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 56254 bytes Review
The Insomniacs by Megan Wygant
Series: DS9
Codes: O/K
Ever the sharp observer and suffering from a touch of sleeplessness, Odo notices Kira's own late night insomnia, and the two friends begin to keep each other company. Now Kira is fast falling in love ... but will Odo ever notice it?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 72406 bytes Review
Interlude by Megan Wygant
Series: DS9
Codes: Alternative history from 'Purgatory'
What if Tain and company had sent their message, and nobody came? Alternative history from Purgatory
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 13038 bytes Review
Into Morning by Melissa 'Merlin Missy' Wilson
Series: DS9
Codes: D
Jadzia's death is only the beginning of her journey.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 6542 bytes Review
Invasion by Kary Haddad
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] for fighting Posted: Size: 25878 bytes Review
Irish Eyes by Qzeebrella
Series: DS9
Codes: Garak/Bashir, Bashir/O'Brien hinted at
Miles' perspective of a Garak and Julian's romanceAuthor's notes: vaguely inspired by When Irish hearts are happy All the world seems bright and gay. And when Irish eyes are smiling Sure they steal your heart away. Which I always remember as the world seems bright and gay But when Irish eyes are crying they wash
Rating: G Posted: Size: 6284 bytes Review
Isolation by Paula Stiles
Series: DS9
Codes: B
Bashir spends five (or was it seven?) days in Isolation in Internment Camp 371. Occurs immediately before 'In Purgatory's Shadow.'
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 16727 bytes Review
It's A Cruel World by Benjamin Gibson
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 9300 bytes Review
Jealous Guy by melissa
Series: DS9
Codes: G/B
Garak finds something disastrous on his pillow.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 5803 bytes Review
Jeu-Parti 1: Orfeo by Macedon
Series: DS9
Codes: Jake
When Bajor hosts an interstellar music festival, to which a very unusual star singer is invited, Jake must face questions about friendship, manhood and culture, as well as freedoms of belief.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 58395 bytes Review
Jeu-Parti 3: Anslem by Macedon
Series: DS9
Codes: Jake
The final story in the DS9 novel Jeu-Parti. Eleven years after his abrupt, late-night departure, Salene reappears in Jake's life. He finds a 29-year-old Jake whose writing career is beginning to blossom even while his private life is falling apart.
Rating: [PG-13] for allusive sexual description and gay themes Posted: Size: 282123 bytes Review
Jigsaw by Gail M. Eppers
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 135406 bytes Review
Journal Of A Doctor by Sarah Learmonth
Series: DS9
Codes: B
An excerpt from Julian's Diary, set after 'Looking for Parmach' and before 'Let he who is without Sin'.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 10190 bytes Review
Julia by Pam Buickel
Series: DS9
Codes: B
Dr. Bashir finds himself caring for a half-Cardassian, half-Bajoran infant abandoned by its mother. As he seeks a home for the baby girl, he encounters both bitter prejudice and the beginnings of forgiveness between Cardassians and Bajorans.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 35416 bytes Review
Just A Figment Of My Imagination by ARM
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 13467 bytes Review
Justifications by Calicia
Series: DS9
Codes: Dmr, Z
In an unidentified place, an explanation is demanded of Damar as to why he killed Ziyal. But who wants it, and why?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 12525 bytes Review
Juvenile Delinquents by Amanda
Series: DS9, Odo's Twins series
Codes: O/K
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 1190 bytes Review
Keiko's Conundrum by Qzeebrella
Series: DS9
Codes: B/O'B
Keiko's reaction to Miles taking on a Starfleet Wife
Rating: G Posted: Size: 9453 bytes Review
Killers in the Void by CDS218
Series: DS9, Dispatches series
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 50236 bytes Review
Kira & The Constable by Carolyn Fulton
Series: DS9
Codes: O/K, Winn
Kira realizes love is closer than she realized, then she and Odo must take a stand against Kai Winn in order to safeguard their relationship - and Kira's very life! 3 scripts: 'Bridging the Gap', 'Compromising Positions' and 'The Wind of the Prophets'
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 198278 bytes Review
Kira And Odo's First Meeting by Saffiulla O. Karman
Series: DS9
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 6639 bytes Review
Kira Liann by Douglas Ethington
Series: DS9, post-series
Codes: N/A
Set about twenty years after 'What You Leave Behind,' featuring the children of the DS9 crew. Part of a series of vignettes.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 3113 bytes Review
Kira's Prayer by Cheile
Series: DS9
Codes: O/K
A look inside Kira's head during the events that occurred in the second part of 'What You Leave Behind'. (Major WYLB spoilers)
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 12703 bytes Review