Trekiverse: All Crossovers
Lean Your Ear This Way by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer
Codes: Saavik, drabble
A tortured 12-year old girl with no reason to believe in anything searches for proof of the existence of the ultimate children's myth. A drabble series.
Rating: [G], with a tinge of sadness Posted: Size: 8345 bytes Review
Leap NCC-1701D by Lori Grenci
Series: TNG, Quantum Leap
Codes: D/T(Sam/T), P/C (Sam/C), xo
In this Quantum Leap/TNG crossover, Dr. Sam Beckett finds himself in Data's body -- and *very* attracted to Deanna Troi. But what mission must he carry out here?
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 66679 bytes Review
Leap Trek by Katriena Knights
Series: TNG, Quantum Leap
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 231486 bytes Review
Leap Trek II by Katriena Knights
Series: TNG, Quantum Leap
Codes: xo
A problem involving Ziggy causes Sam Beckett to leap into various TNG crew members.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 149814 bytes Review
Legumes by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer
Codes: Peter Kirk/Saavik
Can Peter Kirk trust his wife to hold steady--or does she share her adoptive father Jim's sheer cunning?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4511 bytes Review
Lessons Of History by Evan Hodges
Series: TNG, DS9, Superman
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 113628 bytes Review
Let This Be Your Final Judgement by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, The Fugitive, Remix
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 4763 bytes Review
Look What We Found by ZorroRojo
Series: VOY, Highlander, Just A Guy series
Codes: C/P, Q, Duncan/Methos, xo
The crew of Voyager finds an old ship. Just A Guy series part 2.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 91923 bytes Review
Looking Glass by Smaragd
Series: VOY, Highlander
Codes: Paris/Ryan
This takes place in and around the 2nd season Voyager episode 'Non Sequitor.'
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 32982 bytes Review
The Lord Parts 1-4 by Julie Capp
Series: VOY, Tarzan
Codes: K, xo
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 36665 bytes Review
Lost by A. Kite
Series: VOY, Sentinel
Codes: Jim Ellison/Harry Kim, Tom Paris/Harry Kim, Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Harry Kim is lost in time, and an encounter with Jim Ellison has a profound effect on both their lives.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 57504 bytes Review
Love And Lirpas by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer
Codes: Peter Kirk/Saavik, xo
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 6931 bytes Review
Mad About You, Klingon Style Parts 1-3 by Anna C. Bowling
Series: TOS, Mad About You
Codes: W/T, P/C, R/f, parody, xo
Worf, Deanna and the gang live the lives of Paul and Jamie and the gang from Mad About You, with Tapestry Saga characters making a few cameos
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 14285 bytes Review
Magic And Science 1 by Paradox761
Series: VOY, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), Magic and Science series
Codes: N/A
A magic talisman transports a group of vampires into the future, aboard Voyager. Soon, a pair of vampire slayers and their friends. In the end, Buffy & co. must track down and kill the vamps, and one of the crew of Voyager is revealed to be a vampire.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 68161 bytes Review
Magic And Science 2: Love And Redemption by Paradox761
Series: VOY, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Highlander, Magic and Science series
Codes: K/T
Confronting feelings of guilt and responsibility, Harry discovers something that may help him save the Slayer's life. Will he go back in time to change things, even though it goes against every rule he's ever been taught? Sequel to 'Magic and Science.'
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 200702 bytes Review
Magic And Science 3: Fatal Ecstasy by Paradox761
Series: VOY, Highlander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Magic and Science series
Codes: K/T
A PWP set in the 'Magic and Science' universe. To those not familiar with the stories, all you have to know is that Harry is a vampire (ala BtVS) and B'Elanna is an Immortal (ala Highlander).
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 13899 bytes Review
Magic And Science 4: The Gift Of Immortality by Paradox761
Series: DS9, VOY, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Highlander, Magic and Science series
Codes: K/T, J/E
Thirty years after the events in 'Love and Redemption', Voyager makes it home to the Alpha Quadrant to find it a very different place then the one they left. B'Elanna must face some hard truths concerning her immortality, as well as a new enemy seeking revenge. Julian must face some hard truths of his own, and a ghost from his past.
Rating: [R] for violence and language Posted: Size: 152326 bytes Review
Magic And Science 5: The Dark Path by Paradox761
Series: VOY, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Highlander, Magic and Science series
Codes: K/T
Harry must confront his own dark past in the form of a former lover while on a mission to rescue two operatives for the Watchers Council. But when a new enemy reveals itself to be an old friend, our heroes find that the conspiracy to maintain the avarice of the Federation goes deeper then they had originally thought.
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 155570 bytes Review
Major Changes by Alexandra Spears
Series: VOY, She-Ra
Codes: Q, xo
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 23098 bytes Review
Make Believe by Gueniver
Series: TOS, Pretender
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] for language and adult situation Posted: Size: 8182 bytes Review
A Man and A Monkey by Lennie Marie
Series: VOY, Aladdin, Billy Madison
Codes: J/Jafar, J/C sorta, xo
This is what you get when your 12th grade honors English teacher asks you to write a mystery set in New York City with Billy Madison as the hero and Jafar as the villain. If you're going to have past and present, how can you leave out the future?
Rating: [G] for goofy Posted: Size: 12758 bytes Review
The Meeting by Lennie Marie
Series: TNG, TOS, Sandman
Codes: xo
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 7484 bytes Review
Men With Pasts by Rob Morris
Series: DS9, Highlander
Codes: xo
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 3083 bytes Review
A Miracle By Extension by Rob Morris
Series: MIS, TOS, The Infinite Paths, Ancient Destroyer, Starting Over, MASH, Lost in Space
Codes: Peter Kirk/Saavik, Wesley Crusher, Christmas
Seven young heroes are engaged in a desperate fight-or-flight with a humanoid monster named Anthony Fremont (Twilight Zone) that takes them across countless alternate universes.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 7266 bytes Review
MiSPAM by Jason Bowles
Series: VOY, Men in Black
Codes: xo
Rating: [PG-13] for violence Posted: Size: 4530 bytes Review