Trekiverse Logo Spock / Chapel

Toxic by Djinn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 45229 -- Posted: 11/2/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [PG-13]
Not your standard Spock/Chapel fare. After Platonius, Spock wants nothing to do with Nurse Chapel, until a mission puts them together again, giving him a chance to get to know the real Christine.

A Last Embrace by Gamin Davis

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 72085 -- Posted: 11/12/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch, K&S, angst, h/c
Rating: [PG]
Missing scenes from 'Amok Time': how Christine reacts to her discovery that Spock already has a wife as well as more private talks between Spock and Kirk as the latter tries to help Spock cope with the pon farr.

Memories Born of Fire by Gamin Davis

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 122620 -- Posted: 4/27/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: K&S, S/Ch, Mc, hurt/comfort, angst
Rating: [PG]
Sequel to 'Amok Time' in which Spock's shame and fear after nearly killing Kirk force him to face the depth of his feelings, especially when Kirk's life is again threatened. Previously published in 'Something To Remember', nominated for a Fan-Q Award.

A Sonnet For Christine by Gamin Davis

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3647 -- Posted: 3/5/2000
Series: TOS (A/U) -- Codes: S/Ch, sappiness alert
Rating: [PG] for pon farr

A Time To Heal by Gamin Davis

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 50549 -- Posted: 3/3/2002
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch, K, Mc, U, h/c
Rating: [PG-13] for mature themes, rape
A sequel to 'Return to Tomorrow' dealing with something that happened between Henoch and Christine, and how Spock helps her begin to recover from it.

Uninvited by Skazitelnitsky

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 29509 -- Posted: 4/3/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [NC-17]

Forgive Me, My Love by T'Lin

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1478 -- Posted: 11/6/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch, challenge, cd
Rating: [PG]
Response to the character death challenge.

The Healing Power Of Plomik Soup by T'Lin

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 30162 -- Posted: 11/14/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [NC-17]
Spock has just returned to the ship after the Koon-ut-Kal-if-fee... and discovered the Captain alive and well. He tells Kirk and McCoy that the Pon Farr is over, the battle apparently purged his system. All is well, and they continue on their mission.

A Birthday Gift for Christine by T'Pring (aka Darthi7 of Borg)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10306 -- Posted: 11/24/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: S/Ch, S&Ch
Rating: [PG]
Spock does what is simply the logical thing to do -- and is also the compassionate thing to do -- when Christine's birthday rolls around.