Trekiverse: Next Generation Stories
The Monkey Trap by David Hawkins
Series: TNG
Codes: crew, Moriarty
The Enterprise is sent to a sector previously off limits. A field affects all humans on board and they are only capable of basic level brain function. Data draws on all non-human personnel and even makes use of Moriarty on the holodeck in an effort to overcome the problem.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 54830 bytes Review
Moonlight by DTroi57
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 8477 bytes Review
Moonlight and Chocolate by Danielle Reykov
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
What if Walker Keel had introduced Beverly to Jean-Luc *before* he introduced her to Jack Crusher?
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 6619 bytes Review
Moonlight and Chocolate II by Danielle Reykov
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Sequel to 'Moonlight and Chocolate'.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 12526 bytes Review
More Little Green Men by zoinky
Series: TNG
Codes: C, crew, challenge
Beverly has problems with some uninvited guests. Response to Karen8's 'old TV show' challenge.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 48255 bytes Review
More Specific by Mrs.Picard
Series: TNG
Codes: m
Never piss off a Sheliak.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 5660 bytes Review
More Than A Moment by Testa
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Beverly shows Jean Luc an important difference between time stood still and eternity...
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 13799 bytes Review
More Than Meets The Eye by Sandra Guzdek
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
The Enterprise is ferrying ambassadors to a conference celebrating the diversity of the Federation's allies. Beverly becomes involved with Ambassador Augustin, but as the journey continues, it becomes apparent that Dr. Crusher is less than well...and then the murders start...
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 100191 bytes Review
The Morning After by Rachel Rybarczyk
Series: TNG
Codes: C/?
After a night of drinking, Bev wakes up in someone else's quarters...
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 9953 bytes Review
A Most Desperate Search by Anna C. Bowling
Series: TNG
Codes: R/f
Riker races the clock to find something of great importance...
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 5632 bytes Review
Most Secret Diary by Hypatia Kosh
Series: TNG
Codes: Yar/Selar
Two hearts meet, and what wonders proceedfrom their meeting.
Rating: PG-13 (language, sexual situation) Posted: Size: 30877 bytes Review
Mothers and Daughters by Julie Pizor
Series: TNG
Codes: T, death
Troi calls for help when she sees her quarters burst into flames. When Picard, Crusher and the others arrive there is no evidence of any fire but Dr.Crusher finds Troi's lungs full of smoke. Script format.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 34503 bytes Review
Mourning by Allison M. Martens
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, Q
A shot from a Romulan sends Beverly over a cliff to her death on an away mission. The entire crew must deal with their immense grief but Q has other plans.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 134441 bytes Review
Moving Right Along by Unzadi
Series: TNG
Codes: T, R/f
Deanna must make some new decisions after some old doors close. Die-hard Imzadians may want to skip this one.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 13411 bytes Review
Mr. Resilient by Christine Wirick
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Beverly and Picard are selected as subjects to test a human's ability to endure worm-hole travel. Beverly is forced to associate closely with creatures that repel her.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 26595 bytes Review
Mrs. Data's Day by Shannon Stidman
Series: TNG
Codes: D/f
Data's jealousy program starts acting up.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 11733 bytes Review
Mrs. Santa's Surprise by Cait N.
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, Christmas
Jean-Luc has a surprise for Beverly, but she has one for him, too.
Rating: [PG-13] due to some nudity Posted: Size: 6096 bytes Review
Much Ado About Nothing by Lily
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Picard watches Beverly in a holo-theatre production.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 9093 bytes Review
Muriel by Ann Wagner
Series: TNG
Codes: Barclay/f
A beautiful woman with a troubled past enters timid-yet-brilliant Lt. Barclay's life.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 36223 bytes Review
Music by Mrs.Picard
Series: TNG
Codes: T
Slowly going insane.
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 5178 bytes Review
Music to My Neural Net by Lori
Series: TNG
Codes: Data, crew, implied P/C & R/T
Set after the episode 'Fistful of Datas'
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 10354 bytes Review
My Brother's Finder by Eva Albertsdotter Enblom
Series: TNG
Codes: D, L
Lore helps Data with some missing circuitry for reasons unknown.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 5928 bytes Review
My Love by Sylvia3747
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 34937 bytes Review
Nal'Vagh by J'myle Koretz
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
A convoy is attacked, and the only survivor weaves a tale of a new enemy. But can he be trusted? Who are the people chasing him? Who is sabotaging the Enterprise?
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 20334 bytes Review
Nana by Mariel
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, Nana
Nana is an accompanyment to 'Inevitabilities.'
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 20920 bytes Review