Trekiverse: Next Generation Stories
The Qute Rule--A Thanksgiving Story by raku
Series: TNG
Codes: Q, crew, humor
Q invites the crew of the Enterprise-D for Thanksgiving dinner, without having researched the holiday thoroughly.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 23724 bytes Review
Rain by Sarah Thompson
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
After the destruction of the Enterprise-D, Will Riker has time to ponder his relationship with Deanna.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 17549 bytes Review
Rainbeau by Mariel
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, challenge
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 12494 bytes Review
Rainbow Bridge by Patricia Ann La Ferrara
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Beverly tells Jean-Luc the story of a beloved pet.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 15116 bytes Review
Raison d'Q by Mercutio
Series: TNG
Codes: P, Q
Q faces up to his role as humanity's judge, and seeks advice from Picard.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 24614 bytes Review
The Rasha by Jenni Pedron
Series: TNG
Codes: f, D, P
In this time-jumping story Data is the god 'Rasha' to the descendents of Wolf 359.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 55414 bytes Review
Rasmussen by Jenni Pedron
Series: TNG (sorta)
Codes: Rasmussen, challenge
The man who tried to impersonate 27th Century time traveler/scientist Berlingoff Rasmussen has been put in jail and is being interviewed about his own era (early 21st century).
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 14478 bytes Review
Re-Attached by Margaret Clark
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Set approximately a year after the episode 'Attached'. Crusher is finally ready to admit her feelings but an 'incident' on the Enterprise puts her in mortal danger. Picard to the rescue? Time is of the essence as he takes the ship and her crew on a dangerous mission risking lives careers and......Oh just read it and find out.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 63143 bytes Review
Realisations by Tart
Series: TNG
Codes: W/T
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 15963 bytes Review
Reasons Of The Heart 2: Stolen Hearts by Whoa Nellie
Series: TNG, Reasons of the Heart series
Codes: P/f (Vash)
Vash is participating in an archaeological dig when the Romulans invade. The Enterprise proceeds to the scene but is forbidden to engage the Romulans in any fashion. Can Picard find a way to rescue Vash and her colleagues without disobeying orders?
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 83911 bytes Review
Reasons Of The Heart 3: The Answer (PG-13 Version) by Whoa Nellie
Series: TNG, Reasons of the Heart series
Codes: P/f (Vash)
Plot? What plot? Where we're going . . . we don't need plots!
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 23181 bytes Review
Rebel Without A Q by JoAnne Soper-Cook
Series: TNG
Codes: Q/f
Anna Mithrais, an Enterprise nurse, is plagued by feelings of inadequacy stemming from an assault in her past. But Q is intrigued by her and wants to help -- and more...
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 41200 bytes Review
Rebirth by Jerry A. Lue
Series: TNG
Codes: m, crew
Old files from the twentieth century are found on Earth and uploaded to the Enterprise's computer. Geordie and Data find what appears to be an early holographic program and they decide to run it on the holodeck.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 28681 bytes Review
Red Red Wine by Gabriele Preusse
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
After 'Generations', when Picard has returned to France to sort out his life...lots of wine, and the couple alone at the Picard estate leads to...
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 21098 bytes Review
Red Roses by Melissa Zander
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Roses and Valentine's day
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 3472 bytes Review
Reflections by DocBevCulver
Series: TNG
Codes: C
Some thoughts from Beverly.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 3521 bytes Review
Reflections by Micaela
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
Deanna Troi wages a battle within herself concerning her life with Will Riker.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 3135 bytes Review
Reflections of Blue by Melissa 'Merlin Missy' Wilson
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, death
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 7956 bytes Review
Refusal by Martha McDonnell
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4932 bytes Review
Registration by Jeremy D. Horowitz
Series: TNG
Codes: D, P, humor
A downloaded starfield analysis program causes Data to become a pain in the ass
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 23410 bytes Review
Reichenbach Maneuver by Bradford Behr and Andrew Skinner
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
A Cardassian spy is onboard the Enterprise. There seems no way to find this person, until.... Script format
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 104365 bytes Review
Reins of Power by Steven Grimm and Michael Wolf
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
Wesley and Geordie take a shuttle to a planet to hear a guest speaker but are called upon to help when an unknown craft is detected on the planet's scanners.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 119579 bytes Review
Relationship by Mrs.Picard
Series: TNG
Codes: D/f
Trying to find the right words.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 5243 bytes Review
The Relevance Of Hope by Ventura33
Series: TNG, SNW entry
Codes: P
Picard discovers that he has a Borg daughter. Strange New Worlds entry
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 28952 bytes Review
Rematch by Paul Hubbard
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
For a long time the Federation had a ban on ships passing Outpost 202 but within a short time of that ban being lifted two ships disappear from the area. The Enterprise is sent to investigate and discover an old adversary.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 54774 bytes Review