Trekiverse: Original Series All Types
The Peep Within by Lyrastar
Series: TOS
Codes: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Rand
I think the title and rating pretty much says it all.Thanks to Veronica for the beta help (but don't blame her; she tried tostop me) and to Jungle Kitty Ventura33 and all the other Peepers whohave gone before--although with far far more class.
Rating: R + squickiness Posted: Size: 21568 bytes Review
The Peep Within by Lyrastar
Series: TOS
Codes: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Rand
It's Easter on ASC* Peeps happen.=20=20
Rating: R + squickiness Posted: Size: 22770 bytes Review
The Peep Within by Lyrastar
Series: TOS
Codes: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Rand
It's Easter on ASC* Peeps happen.=20=20
Rating: R + squickiness Posted: Size: 22770 bytes Review
Peeping Jim by Ventura33
Series: TOS
Codes: K, Peeps. drabble
Kirk tries to distract the author from Peeps stories.A sequel to Doomed Request.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 2108 bytes Review
The Peeps in the Dark by Ventura33
Series: TOS
What evil truly lurks in that mining colony's tunnels?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 6203 bytes Review
Perchance To Dream by Skazitelnitsky
Series: TOS
Codes: S/C
Sequel to Uninvited
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 10722 bytes Review
Perchance To Dream by Nesabj
Series: TOS
Codes: crew
This incident takes place shortly after the Enterprise's run-in with the Klingons on space station K-7
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 70028 bytes Review
Perfect Mentor by Jungle Kitty
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 16616 bytes Review
A Perfect Send Off by T'Prillah
Series: TOS
McCoy gets an Earthbound promotion and says goodbye to his fellowEnterprise crewmates.
Rating: R Posted: Size: 16539 bytes Review
Permanently Floored by Arachnethe2
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
This story belongs in the bunch of 8 PWP's called 'Melted Candies'; I got the ideas for them all in only 10 minutes. And all except one I have liked so far, so that after a frustrated cry out, I have decided to write them.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 18071 bytes Review
Personal Log by Omega
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
An excerpt from Kirk's personal log.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4253 bytes Review
Personal Logs 16: Menagerie, Part Two by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 16
Codes: K/S
StarFleet forgives all--but will Kirk? Note change of=20title--per Rocky archivist for ASC.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 9388 bytes Review
Personal Logs 18: Squire of Gothos by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 18
Codes: K/S
A very naughty child plays with his new toys--the crew.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Laurie Frank Pat and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 12412 bytes Review
Personal Logs 20: The Alternative Factor by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 20
Codes: K/S
Discovery of an anti-matter universeleading to a terrible fate for one being in orderto preserve both their universes.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat Michichick Fiona Professor
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 13078 bytes Review
Personal Logs 21: Tomorrow Is Yesterday by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 21
Codes: K/S
It's been one of THOSE weeks on Enterprise.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat Rick Chad and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 19738 bytes Review
Personal Logs 21: Tomorrow Is Yesterday by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 21
Codes: K/S
It's been one of THOSE weeks on Enterprise.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat Rick Chad and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 19738 bytes Review
Personal Logs 22: Return of the Archons by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 22
Codes: K/S
Paradise is never what it's cracked up to be.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat Professor and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 15332 bytes Review
Personal Logs 23: A Taste of Armageddon by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 23
Codes: K/S
Diplomacy sometimes doesn't work as well as a good disrupter orphaser bank.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Pat Professor Frank and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: PG-13 for implied nooky Posted: Size: 11500 bytes Review
Personal Logs 24: Space Seed by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 24
Codes: K/S
Lessons in history, Mr. Scott gets lessons in Milton. Hellgrew darker at their frown indeed.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 18237 bytes Review
Personal Logs 25: This Side Of Paradise by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 25
Codes: S/Kalomi, K/S
Spock gets in touch with his inner child, the one he neverhad. Kirk isn't thrilled with seeing it.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Pat Frank and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 17450 bytes Review
Personal Logs 48: The Immunity Syndrome by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 48
Codes: K/S
Is the Giant Paramecium a lawyer? It does try to suck the life out of the galaxy.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat the Professor FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 14782 bytes Review
Personal Logs 54: Omega Glory by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 54
Codes: K/S
Yet another parallel Earth. Kirk gets to deliver a stirring speech and teach someone to read. Not the first time people get a sacred document wrong.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat the Professor and Fiona
Rating: G Posted: Size: 14464 bytes Review
Personal Logs 58: Paradise Syndrome by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 58
Codes: K/S
Jim loses his memory. Spock and Bones lose Jim, Jim gainsMiramanee then loses her. But at least he has a vacation-even thoughall vacations have to end.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat the Professor Fiona
Rating: G Posted: Size: 16256 bytes Review
Personal Logs 59: The Enterprise Incident by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 59
Codes: K/S
Has Kirk gone off the deep end? Is Spock a traitor? Is thisepisode Dorothy Fontana's justification for the U.S.S. Pueblo? (Lookit up kiddies.)Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat The Professor
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 21733 bytes Review
Personal Logs 60: And The Children Shall Lead by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 60
Codes: K/S
On a science colony, a mystery-all the adults dead and thechildren strangely unaffected. Why?Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat the Professor FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 20978 bytes Review
Personal Logs 61: Spock's Brain by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 61
Codes: K/S
A highly improbable society where men and women liveseparately and some unlucky person gets to donate their brain to runthe complex. Why did it have to be Jim's bondmate?Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat the Professor and Fiona
Rating: G Posted: Size: 16041 bytes Review
Personal Logs, Early Years, Continued. by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: pre K/S, none yet
The boys' thoughts after Mudd. #2 in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Tony Pearson Frank PatAll mistakes mine yada yada--------------
Rating: G Posted: Size: 11948 bytes Review
Personal Logs, Early Years,Balance of Terror by Starshadow
Codes: K/S
Spock sees a familiar face, though he doesn't know him. Parteight in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Fiona Frank Tony and PatAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 25233 bytes Review
Personal Logs, Miri by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Jim never gets involved with older women, though he's not above charming them when he needs to. Part 11 in a series.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Pat Frank and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 17200 bytes Review
Personal Logs: Early Years: Continued by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs
Codes: pre K/S, none yet
The boys' thoughts after Mudd.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Tony Pearson Frank PatAll mistakes mine yada yada--------------
Rating: G Posted: Size: 12551 bytes Review
Personal Logs: Early Years: Man Trap by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs
Codes: pre K/S
Now that the buffalo's gone...Part five in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Fiona Pat TonyAll mistakes mine yada yada____________
Rating: G Posted: Size: 11629 bytes Review
Personal Logs: Early Years: Naked Time by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: pre K/S
In space, everyone can cry in their beer...even Vulcans. Partsix in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Fiona Pat and The Professor.All mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 11248 bytes Review
Personal Logs: Menagerie by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 15
Codes: K/S
Spock can't lie--or can he? Note change of title--per Rocky, archivist for ASC.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Pat Frank and Fiona.All mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 8850 bytes Review
Personal Logs: What Are Little Girls Made Of? by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs
Codes: K/S
James and the Giant Dildo—ur, stalactite.Part nine in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: PG-13 only for the stalactite. The rest is pretty much safe. Posted: Size: 11170 bytes Review
Personal Logs: What Are Little Girls Made Of? by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs
Codes: K/S
James and the Giant Dildo—ur, stalactite.Part nine in a seriesArchive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat and FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: PG-13—only for the stalactite. The rest is pretty much safe. Posted: Size: 11170 bytes Review
Personal Reasons by jat sapphire
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, Challenge
McCoy tells Kirk something Kirk already knows. Response to the 'He's gay, Jim' challenge. Set after ST:TMP, during a second five-year mission.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 7713 bytes Review
Pestilence by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, S/f (Leila) drabble, G
Kirk almost lost everything on Omicron Ceti. Part 5 of thePlagues of Egypt drabble series.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 4678 bytes Review
Petrified Peeps by Ventura33
Series: TOS
This time Kirk gets to torture the Peeps,rather than the other way around.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 1876 bytes Review
Phloxine: New and Improved by Mandy
Series: TOS, Medical Drabbles #4
Codes: n/a
Rating: G Posted: Size: 4413 bytes Review
The Phoenix of Hope by IDIC
Series: TOS
Codes: K/U, M, S/U(implied)
Begins where The Search for Spock ended. A story bridging myRealizations and Tokens series that explores the guilt and anger oflosing a son while regaining a friend.
Rating: [PG-13] language Posted: Size: 35634 bytes Review