Trekiverse: Original Series All Types
Reflections 5: Reflections and Beginnings by Sharron Powell
Series: TOS, Reflections Series
Codes: C, S
Covering the time during the events in STVI and then the months after the movie, Christine has the responsibility for coordinating and commanding one of the first functions of the mission to help the Klingons that Spock is spearheading for Star Fleet...
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 152670 bytes Review
Reflections 6: Reflections and Commitments by Sharron Powell
Series: TOS, Reflections Series
Codes: S/Ch
A direct sequel to Reflections and Beginnings set after the events in STVI, Christine and Spock continue to be called into service on the Klingon question while adjusting to the profound changes in their relationship and they reactions of their friends.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 158433 bytes Review
Reflectively Yours by Sileya
Series: TOS
Codes: K/U
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 16244 bytes Review
Refusion by Lyrastar
Series: TOS
Codes: Spock/McCoy
A post fal-tor-pan exchange.------------------------------------
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 10280 bytes Review
Regarding Corbomite by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs 03
Codes: pre K/S
The boys muse in private. Sill wanting. Still longing. Poorboys. Third in a series.Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like. Note change in title per archivistBeta: Pat and FrankAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 13878 bytes Review
Regret by A. Kite
Series: TOS
Codes: Kirk/Spock
Spock's thoughts on his deathbed. A vignette.
Rating: [R] for theme Posted: Size: 2877 bytes Review
Regrets by Karen
Series: TOS
Codes: Sc
A short log from Scotty sometime after Picard has 'loaned' him a shuttlecraft.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 2406 bytes Review
Regrets by kira-nerys
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, poem
Significant truths are revealed, too late.
Rating: [NR] Posted: Size: 4115 bytes Review
Regulation 17496.4b by Nesabj
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
This is in response to Sydvick's challenge
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 3104 bytes Review
Regulations by Rolletti
Series: TOS
Codes: Uhura/Spock
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 1921 bytes Review
Rejuvenation Of The Soul by T'Lin
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
...Spock was out there without him...which, of course, waspart of the problem.
Rating: Posted: Size: 17524 bytes Review
Rekindling Fire by Jenna Hilary Sinclair
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
What happens after the events of Star Trek: The MotionPicture.Disclaimer: James Kirk and Spock of Vulcan are their own beings.Paramount fools around with their images sometimes not verysuccessfully. I
Rating: Adult: Very Explicit Posted: Size: 213225 bytes Review
Relaxation by Maximum
Series: TOS
Codes: K/U
The last Christmas party.
Rating: NC17 Posted: Size: 10767 bytes Review
Relic of Tomorrow by Laurie D. Haynes
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 387315 bytes Review
Remember by Veronica Jane Williams
Series: TOS
Codes: K & S
Kirk says goodbye to an old friend
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 1226 bytes Review
Remember Me by Judy Gale
Series: TOS
Codes: S/f
Sequel to 'Elegy For the Man Who Lived.'
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 20427 bytes Review
Remember Me by M. Seeger
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch, challenge
A response to the 'Kill Christine' challenge
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 6979 bytes Review
Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, drabble
Kirk and Spock still have time for each other even while busyon the Enterprise.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 4027 bytes Review
Reminiscing by Selek
Series: TOS
Codes: Sa/Am
Sarek and Amanda recall the time they first met.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 50031 bytes Review
Remirrored by P B Wrapper
Series: TOS
Codes: crew
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 150116 bytes Review
Reopening Old Wounds by Djinn
Series: TOS
Codes: K/Ch
They of all people know the danger of reopening old wounds. This is a little different spin on the events around the second through fourth movies but still following canon.
Rating: R Posted: Size: 228803 bytes Review
Requiem for Gol by S.R. Benjamin
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
This is a musical interlude, beginning while Spock is at Gol and Kirk is at Starfleet Command, in the tradition of music video-based stories. The song is 'Here With Me' by REO Speedwagon.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 4750 bytes Review
Requiem for Methuselah On That Day I Will by Ster Julie
Series: TOS. After the Credits
Codes: Spock, Flint
Spock finds himself the executor of an amazing estate.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 4989 bytes Review
Requium by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Poem I wrote when I was seventeen. I'm now 55. I wrote itafter a dream I had. Original series was still on tv.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 3945 bytes Review
Requium by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Poem I wrote when I was seventeen. I'm now 55. I wrote itafter a dream I had. Original series was still on tv.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 1953 bytes Review
Rescue by Maximum
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Su
A rescue mission goes wrong.Rescue
Rating: P.G.13 Posted: Size: 11988 bytes Review
Resolutions by Tempest
Series: TOS
McCoy tells the complete history of New Year's through the resolutions he's made. Disclaimer: Star Trek and all of its relations are property of Paramount and Viacom. I only own this story. Problems with male homosexuality? Please stay away. Flames and feedback are welcome.
Rating: PG, for some implied suggestions of sex Posted: Size: 11052 bytes Review
Restoration of Faith by Wildcat
Series: TOS
Codes: f/m, implied m/m, con & borderline non-con
Cadet Valeris finds herself swept into the events leading up to the Khitomer peace conference.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 76256 bytes Review
The Return by Karmen Ghia
Series: TOS
Codes: S/C
Sequel to Skazitelnitsky's The Taming.
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 91848 bytes Review
Return to Life by kira-nerys
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, poem
Genesis is crumbling. Kirk searches for Spock. Part of the Kirk/Spock Online Festival.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 1998 bytes Review
Return To Planet Mudd by Andrew Troy Keller
Series: TOS
Codes: Yeoman Janice Rand/f/m
After a landing party beams down from the Enterprise and to Planet Muddone of the Alice androids asks Yeoman Janice Rand for helponly she has no idea what type of help the android is actually requesting.
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 9659 bytes Review
Return to Tomorrow by Starshadow
Series: TOS, Personal Logs #51
Codes: K/S
Sargon loves Thallasa. Chapel loves Spock. Henoch loves himself---and Spock's body. Can any of this work?Archive: ASC ASCEML and the like.Beta: Frank Pat FionaAll mistakes mine yada yada
Rating: G Posted: Size: 21338 bytes Review
Revelation by Rolletti
Series: TOS
Codes: Spock/Christine/Uhura
Spock has finally come around.Disclaimer: Yeah yeah yeah Paramount owns all. Whatever!No BetaFeedback:
Rating: G Posted: Size: 4473 bytes Review
Revelations by Islaofhope
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, Mc
Kirk and Spock tell McCoy about the change in their relationship.
Rating: [NC-17] for m/m sex Posted: Size: 31788 bytes Review
Revenge by Daydreamernv
Series: TOS
Codes: S&Mc
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 1120 bytes Review
Revenge by Greywolf the Wanderer
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S. RevengeFic
Kirk and Spock have their revenge on Greywolf.
Rating: [PG] for language Posted: Size: 5363 bytes Review
Revenge in the Name of Justice by Romulanlp
Series: NEW TOS
Codes: none Warning Sexual violence
Addendum to Betrayal of Trust written by Vulcanprincess You may wish to read Betrayal of Trust before reading this to better understand the story.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 23104 bytes Review
The Revenge Of Mudd by Eglov
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 61778 bytes Review
Rewrite of The Craft (No Shuttlecraft) by Mercutio
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Su, SS, parody
Spock and Sulu have an experience which leads them into bed. Revision of 'The Craft' by Angie ( As we all know, it is not necessary to refer to s**********t in a story -- references to them can be easily taken out so that the majority of people who dislike s**********t do not have to hear about them.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 21823 bytes Review
Rhapsody in Rain by Arachnethe2
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
In a strange town, during a rainy night, Kirk and Spock healed their wounds.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 69182 bytes Review