Trekiverse: Original Series All Types
Saint Of Circumstance by Greywolf the Wanderer
Series: TOS
Codes: S, h/c
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 36685 bytes Review
Sam by Ann Zewen
Series: TOS
Codes: K
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 12281 bytes Review
The Same Mistake by Islaofhope
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, au
Kirk receives a strange message just before his best friend is about to enter his final rites as a Kolinahr. Part of the Kirk/Spock Online Festival.
Rating: [NC-17], m/m sex Posted: Size: 141618 bytes Review
Samurai by raku
Series: TOS
Codes: K/Su
In the midst of 'The Enemy Within,' Kirk and Sulu learn more than they bargained for about themselves and each other.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 29092 bytes Review
San Francisco by Artemis
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Mc, K/U/Sc
A perfect day for Spock and Leonard. Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended no money being made. Archiving: My Place Spiced Peaches V and The Spock/McCoyote's Den Feedback: Will write for feedback
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 13743 bytes Review
Sand And Rain by S.R. Benjamin
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S (implied), poem
Kirk is an Admiral at Starfleet, Spock is an acolyte at Gol.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 2016 bytes Review
Santa Maria by Beth Meenaghan
Series: TOS
Codes: S, Sa, Ch (no romance)
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 48696 bytes Review
Sarek the Slut & His Yen for ANY Admiral by Jessica
Series: TOS
Rating: Posted: Size: 7928 bytes Review
Satellites and Orbits by Hypatia Kosh
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
What can a chess game tell you about Kirk and Spock'srelationship?
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 20817 bytes Review
Satisfaction by Greywolf the Wanderer
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 11059 bytes Review
Saturday Night at the Pon Farr Palace or 'Mister Spock's Escort Service'... by Kella
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch, challenge response
Rating: [R] for language and sexual stuff Posted: Size: 7718 bytes Review
Save De Day by Ster Julie
Series: TOS
Codes: Chekov, Inglorious Duty challenge
Chekov saves the day folding laundry. (What? Did youexpect me to have him scrubbing toilets? That would have cost apoint!)
Rating: G Posted: Size: 11531 bytes Review
Save the Last Dance for Me by Artemis
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Mc, K, Sc/U, et al.
One last party before the Enterprise is scrapped.Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended no moneybeing made.Feedback: Will write for feedbackBeta: No beta all mistakes are my own.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 7526 bytes Review
Save Your Soul by Artemis
Series: TOS
Codes: S/f, K/f
This was inspired by Boys Of Summer, which I adored. Also, I stole without conscience, from Jewel, but because I had only heard the song once, I had to make up most of the words, and I just plagiarized the stuff line for line from Boys 2 Men. I have always wanted to say that.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 13963 bytes Review
Saves Money On Condoms by Laura Goodwin
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, limerick
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 1195 bytes Review
Say My Name by Lady Charena
Series: post-ST III
Codes: K/S
After Spock's fal tor pan. Last sequel to 'Lost dreams', 'Longing', 'The Call', 'Consummation' and 'Lost In The Light.'
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 14470 bytes Review
Say That Again by Cait N.
Series: TOS
Codes: drabble
Rating: R (for language and innuendo) Posted: Size: 3762 bytes Review
Scandal in the Skankiverse by Jungle Kitty
Series: TOS
Codes: [NR] au, Humor
This story concerns a meeting between the two most repulsive females ever encountered by Our Gallant Heroes in Gold and Blue. The Skankiverse is an A/U, newly discovered in an offline discussion.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 12376 bytes Review
The Scent Of Roses Lingers. by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S implied
A poemDisclaimer: ParaBorg owns Vulcan but I put it to better useeven though I don't make any money from it.Beta: None
Rating: G Posted: Size: 3390 bytes Review
The Scent Of Roses Lingers. by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S implied
A poemDisclaimer: ParaBorg owns Vulcan but I put it to better useeven though I don't make any money from it.Beta: None
Rating: G Posted: Size: 3390 bytes Review
Scent Of Success by Anonymous Authors
Series: TOS
Codes: C/Janice Lester (as Kirk)
Janice Lester discovers there's more going on aboard the Enterprise than she bargained for.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 13045 bytes Review
Scentsational by Mandy
Series: TOS, The Scenterprise Drabbles
Codes: K/Mc, drabble
The raging hormaones of Vulcans in lust are replicated inthe latest aftershave – `Pon Farr'. Try some today.
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 5282 bytes Review
School Daze by Rocky
Series: TOS
Codes: Sc
Young Scotty is in a tight spot.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 3382 bytes Review
Schrodinger's Christmas Present by Jungle Kitty
Series: TOS
Codes: K/f (Brandt), Christmas
Admiral Kirk is home for Christmas.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 30915 bytes Review
Scott Free by Cait N.
Series: TOS
Codes: U, C, Sc, drabble, Bad Character Title Challenge
Methinks Scotty's been imbibing a little too much.
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 4243 bytes Review
Scotty's Boast? by Romulanlp
Series: TOS
Codes: Sc/f
Scotty is in the Officer's club drinking with friends, whenhe receives a message from a mystery woman. He proceeds to tell thisstory. Is the story real or a drunken boast?Warning: contains Explicit Alien Sex and some elements of impliedslash
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 30178 bytes Review
Scream! by Arachnethe2
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S/?
This is a sequel to 'Dream'.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 6179 bytes Review
Sea Change by Lyrastar
Series: TOS
Codes: Sc/f
A little Scotty backstory.
Rating: R Posted: Size: 94588 bytes Review
The Sea King by Killashandra
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 26618 bytes Review
The Search by Marcee Evans
Series: TOS
Codes: Sa/C, S/C implied
Sarek discovers more than he expects when visiting one of his son's former crewmates.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 19269 bytes Review
The Search for Spock with feeling by Starshadow
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S implied, no sex or erotica though. Deal.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 6575 bytes Review
The Second Beer by T'Pat
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S, challenge
Response to Jungle Kitty's First Line Challenge: 'Kirk ordered another beer'. Romance at the pool? Your guess is as good as mine.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 10070 bytes Review
Second Chance by Helen
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S
Kirk waits for Spock to regain his memories after the Refusion (FalToor Pan)
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 20030 bytes Review
Second Extinction by Saavant
Series: TOS
Codes: George/Gracie
The whales brought to the 23rd century share their love without suspecting the tragedy that awaits them.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 8125 bytes Review
The Second First Officer by Islaofhope
Series: TOS, Sulu's Birthday challenge
Codes: Su/U, K/S
Sulu, questioning what his loyalty to Kirk is costing him career-wise, is considering a transfer off the Enterprise. Spock surprises both Sulu and Kirk with a suggestion for advancing Sulu's career.
Rating: [NC-17], m/f sex and implied m/m sex Posted: Size: 46468 bytes Review
The Second Shift by Islaofhope
Series: TOS
Codes: K, Selek, T'Aaneli (the fictional one)
Kirk is taking Selek to Vulcan to meet his grandparents.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 13027 bytes Review
The Second Sip by Reesa
Series: TOS
Codes: K
Kirk continues to reflect on his past, specifically his time with Carol Marcus. A continuation of The First Sip.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 8129 bytes Review
Seconds by Istannor
Series: TOS
Codes: K/f, S, Mc
This is in response to my own challenge. The boys are not lovers, no wives, no children. They live lonely lives.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 11665 bytes Review
Secret Admirer by Rolletti
Series: TOS
Codes: Spock/Uhura
Spock tells Uhura that he admires his own way.Disclaimer: Yeah yeah yeah Paramount owns all. Whatever!Feedback:
Rating: G Posted: Size: 1940 bytes Review
The Secret Gate by Wildcat
Series: TOS
Codes: Saavik, S/U
While on vacation in Greece with Spock and Uhura, Saavik, now twenty-four, meets a boy who isn't quite as stupid as all the others.
Rating: [PG-13] for mature situations Posted: Size: 84683 bytes Review