Trekiverse: Original Series Parody
Quantum Trek: Star Trek : The Winklies Are Back by Gavin A. Fear
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
A parody on the original TV-series, so of course all the 'original' cliches are accounted for. Including fading FX-sounds, the scantily dressed female, the overly dressed extra-terrestial ...
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 8661 bytes Review
Rewrite of The Craft (No Shuttlecraft) by Mercutio
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Su, SS, parody
Spock and Sulu have an experience which leads them into bed. Revision of 'The Craft' by Angie ( As we all know, it is not necessary to refer to s**********t in a story -- references to them can be easily taken out so that the majority of people who dislike s**********t do not have to hear about them.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 21823 bytes Review
Rush Limbaugh Saves The Universe by Andy Dunn
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
What would become of the known Universe without the captain of the Enterprise standing between it and the many loathsome, liberal enemies of the United Federation of Conservative planets?
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 10018 bytes Review
Snake in the Fold by Acidqueen
Series: TOS
Codes: K/Mc, Fanfic100 Series, humor
A slightly different take on the episode of (almost) the samename ;)
Rating: R Posted: Size: 3602 bytes Review
So Long, Kirk! by Republik
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Why do we love Redshirts so? A humorous alternate history...
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 1540 bytes Review
Star Drag by Craig
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
A affliction of an inexplicable sexual nature threatens the planet Erotica VI. After deciding 30 million naked women are a little bit much to handle all by himself, Captain Jerk beams down with Spic and Snotty. When they find the disease that might very well invade the universe, the answer is almost too simple.
Rating: [R] for language, racial epithets, sexual innuendo, violence Posted: Size: 29337 bytes Review
Star Trek - The Final Parody by Doug Fowler
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 18978 bytes Review
Star Trek - The Search For Breakfast by Steve Lake
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
What do you get when you cross a planet-sized Belturian Spung worm with a healthy helping of a McBreakfast-meal, courtesy of McDonald's Space Bars? The answer, dudes and dudettes ... a most excellent adventure.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 16766 bytes Review
Star Trek 0Xff : In Search Of Power > \Dev\Tty01 by Unknown
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 5323 bytes Review
Star Trek 8: The Original Crew's Final Voyage by Neil Vitale
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 9560 bytes Review
Star Trek MCXLVII -- Lost in Self-Referral Space by David Weinstein
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Bones and Spock are having a friendly discussion for once. McCoy claims their present circumstances are just about perfect to lead to another big adventure. Yet Spock hesitates. Why would a new adventure start with the two of them ... ? Or even how ... ?
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 5562 bytes Review
Star Trek Meets The Road Runner by David Wald and Shadow
Series: TOS, Road Runner
Codes: parody, xo
James Tiberius Kirk, the only man known to have both played and won the Kobyashi Maru scenario, finds himself battling the odds and losing for once when he and the rest of the Enterprise crew encounter a strange, lightning-fast lifeform. It's a bird, it's a plane ... No, it *is* a bird. (Originally posted to rec.arts.startrek in Spring 1986)
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 10648 bytes Review
Star Trek VI: Where No Man Has Gone Before by The Silicon Samurai
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Actually a parody on ST-V, James T. Kirk directing. The captain is determined to make this film a funny one, passing on the obvious and depressing cliches for a change. But while the crew is working on the next song of the movie they fall victim to a mysterious disease.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 39472 bytes Review
Star Trek--The Lost Voyage by Ernesto
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
High heels and haute couture, the perfect combination to allow some crewmembers on the 1701 to 'get closer' to each other, as they say. Putting on a dress really does make a man feel liberated.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 7989 bytes Review
Star Wreck Ii: The Rehash Of Kahn by F.H. Manarrd
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 48412 bytes Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction by Ster Julie
Series: TOS
Codes: Ensemble; humor
A strange voice is following the crew of the Enterprise, telling things about each person that are not quite true…
Rating: PG-13 (Implied K/S; K/S/MC; K/Sc; K/f; S/Ch; Su/C) Posted: Size: 19827 bytes Review
Stud Trek by Don Buchan
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
The crew of the DSS Benterprise try to complete their mission.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 7128 bytes Review
They Saved Biff's Brane Part 6 by James 'Kibo' Parry
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Biff loses his brain again in this weird TNG/TOS crossover parody. And guess who finds it?
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 6400 bytes Review
To Boldly Go by Quirk, Captain Not
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 9068 bytes Review
To Say Nothing Of The Tribble by Jungle Kitty
Series: TOS
Codes: K/S/tribble, parody
A sequel to 'TMI' in which Jungle Kitty blatantly rips off an urban legend. When we last saw our heroes, they were on their way to Spock's cabin to get a tribble, unaware that they were walking into an explosive pileup on the Genre Cliche Highway.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 8949 bytes Review
TOS Locker Contents by kira-nerys and Laura Jacquez Valentine
Series: TOS
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4922 bytes Review
TOS Movie - New Cast by Artemis
Series: TOS/Ent
Codes: None
In order to bring the new TOS movie in under budget The Powers That Be have decided to use little know actors in the supporting roles and a well known television star as James T. Kirk.Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount Viacom owns Star Trek. No infringement intended no money being made.
Rating: G Posted: Size: 3532 bytes Review
TOSs And Shout by Christine Francis
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 5565 bytes Review
Toy Story by Jungle Kitty
Series: TOS
Codes: Kirk, Brandt, Alex, A/U, first-line challenge, humor
This story follows Schroedinger's Christmas Present( It takes place in an alternate universe where Kirk and Brandt have a son named Alex. In this story he's four years old and his favorite toy is his collection of the Ultimate Starship
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 14193 bytes Review
Trektale by Steve Sutton
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
Returning to a planet they once saved from an asteroid, old age has Kirk, Spock and McCoy spouting lines from past missions.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 2926 bytes Review
Tuppertrek Saves K/S by Kaki
Series: TOS, Tuppertrek
Codes: K/S
K/S is in trouble. Can TupperKirk save the day?
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 21463 bytes Review
VAX Trek V The Movie: The Crunchy Bits by David J.Young
Series: TOS
Codes: parody
The Enterprise 'lands' on a little planet of unsure origin. The inhabitants, among which we find a Hobbit called Frodo, would prefer to see them all leave as quickly as possible again. But then, considering several million tons of hardware in your backyard ... who wouldn't?
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 199038 bytes Review
Victoria's Vulcan Secrets by Ster Julie
Series: TOS
Codes: Spock, ofc; cruel humor; Victoria's Vulcan Secrets Challenge
Nosy Victoria has found out that which even Vulcans do notdiscuss amongst themselves. A post-hypnotic suggestion prevents herfrom spilling the beans.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 4551 bytes Review