Trekiverse: Next Generation Stories
This Perfect Moment by Micaela
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T, vignette
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 12397 bytes Review
This, our moment by Veronica Jane Williams
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, P/Anij
Sequel to my first P/C story, 'Hold The Moment'. It could be read as a stand alone piece though. Jean-Luc ponders on Anij's words as he watches the Earth through his viewport.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 5365 bytes Review
Those Uncontrollable Urges by L.J. Broom
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Beverly deals with Picard actions during 'First Contact' and makes a decision about her future. Set after the movie, 'First Contact'.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 73378 bytes Review
The Thoughts of Others by Raelene Prislan
Series: TNG
Codes: Wes/f
Klarissa-Eloise Starlight , a Betazoid, joins the Enterprise to train under Deanna Troi. Wesley Crusher takes an interest in the 18 year old Starlight.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 17617 bytes Review
The Three Little Officers by Michael Pech
Series: TNG
Codes: Wes, D, La, Borg, humor
TNG meets 'The Three Little Pigs'. A confrontation between the Enterprise and the Borg gets ugly.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 9085 bytes Review
Through A Crimson Glass by Unknown
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
The Enterprise receives an urgent message from the Wisconsin that its warp core is about to breach. The Enterprise arrives just as the drive section explodes. After rescuing the survivors (including Wesley Crusher), the Enterprise takes over the Wisconsin's mission...which takes the crew into a vampire realm. Script format
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 77997 bytes Review
Through Closed Eyes by B. A. Lopez
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Picard sits by Beverly's bedside as, in the aftermath of 'Generations', her life hangs in the balance on Christmas Eve.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 15140 bytes Review
Through Every Goodbye We Remain by AdmiralTAG
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C, Wesley
Part of wolfen and TrexPhile's POV series--Wesley weighs in about Beverly and JLP's little one night stand.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 6021 bytes Review
Through My Eyes D by Qzeebrella
Series: TNG
Codes: Data/LaForge D/La
Geordi thinks of the many different ways he's seen Data.Warnings: may make you crave Lemon cakeBeta: KayjayDisclaimer: the show and its characters belong to Paramount no profit is being made
Rating: G Posted: Size: 10493 bytes Review
Through the Oceans of Time by T.E. Myres
Series: TNG
Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 43281 bytes Review
Tiger Lily Birthday by Anna C. Bowling
Series: TNG
Codes: T
Deanna suspects an ulterior motive from a birthday present, while an admirer lurks in the shadows...
Rating: G Posted: Size: 6455 bytes Review
Til Annulment by Mercutio
Series: TNG
Codes: P
Picard finds himself in an uncomfortable position, diplomatically speaking, when his duel with an ambassador leaves him engaged to the ambassador's -- very alien -- daughter. Strange New Worlds entry
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 19252 bytes Review
Time Lapse by Demetrius Pietz
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
The Enterprise sustains significant damage after an encounter with a worm hole. Their return journey to Federation space will take a year at full impulse. On the way they find a damaged Klingon Science Station which appears to be from the future.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 76721 bytes Review
Time Virus by Mark Slater
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
While returning to a starbase after having installed a cloaking device, the Enterprise encounters a 10 second time loop similar to the Mannheim Effect. Leah Brahms assists Geordie and his team in some repairs while they are at the starbase.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 151580 bytes Review
Time Waits For No Man by Joe 'The Fez' Kirsch
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
Sequel to the ST:TNG episode 'Cause and Effect,' from the perspective of the crew aboard the Bozeman. The Enterprise crew needs to help the crew of the Bozeman find their way to bridge the time gap and learn to live in an era where the Federation is no longer at war with the Klingons.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 241382 bytes Review
Time Will Tell by JanF
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
What was Deanna doing after graduation and before the Enterprise? First in 'Time Will Tell' series.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 12648 bytes Review
Time Will Tell II - The Farpoint Encounter by JanF
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
How did Will and Deanna react to their first encounter on the Enterprise together? Second in the 'Time Will Tell' series.
Rating: [PG] (Mild language) Posted: 19 Sep 1996 15:33:05 GMT Size: 9094 bytes Review
Time Will Tell II - The Farpoint Encounter by JanF
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
How did Will and Deanna react to their first encounter on the Enterprise together?
Rating: [PG] (Mild language) Posted: Size: 9094 bytes Review
Time Will Tell III - Avoiding Temptation by JanF
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
Set immediately after 'The Naked Now', how did Deanna and Bill react to their reunion? How did Bill the ex-boyfriend become Will the friend? Part 3 of 'Time Will Tell' series (Time Will Tell, Farpoint Encounter)
Rating: [PG] Posted: 19 Sep 1996 15:33:05 GMT Size: 13554 bytes Review
Time Will Tell III: Avoiding Temptation by JanF
Series: TNG
Codes: R/T
Set immediately after 'The Naked Now', how did Deanna and Bill react to their reunion? How did Bill the ex-boyfriend become Will the friend?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 13554 bytes Review
Time's Embrace by Zlanna Freyermuth
Series: TNG
Codes: W/T, R/T
Worf/Troi moment interrupted by Riker just prior to that bathtub scene
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 4915 bytes Review
Times Past Parts 1-5 by Darrell Deweese
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 29870 bytes Review
Timesync by Scott Hume
Series: TNG
Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 24955 bytes Review
Tin Can by Dancingdoc2
Series: TNG
Jean-Luc finds himself literally in a tight place. CanBeverly save both him and the Mistral?
Rating: G, verging on PG at the end Posted: Size: 37647 bytes Review
Tin Soldier by Rosemary Cullen
Series: TNG
Codes: D/f, P/C
Data is recaptured by Kivas Fajo. Along with other exotic captives, he plots his escape. Picard comes out of retirement to help in the search for Data.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 86132 bytes Review